Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: activision, Bungie, Destiny, destiny 2, Destiny 2: Forsaken
Destiny 2 Shows off New End-Game Area 'The Dreaming City' in Latest Trailer
The Dreaming City is the new end-game area for Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion, and today's new trailer gives us an in-depth tour of the area. The Dreaming City will not only house the new end-game raid, but also offer high-power level patrols, public events, and more which means players won't need to farm low-level activities to engage in bounties and weekly milestones.
Additionally, the raid will change the way the Dreaming City functions for the players within it, which should be interesting to see. The raid itself pits players against a giant creature in the center of the city and includes a boss that looks a lot like the missing Eris Morn. So maybe we'll finally know what happened to the spooky Hive witch after the fall of the Tower. Or maybe Bungie is just returning to an old aesthetic. We'll have to wait for the raid to get our answers.
The trailer also shows us the Blind Well, which will be similar to the Court of Oryx from the Taken King expansion of the original Destiny. This makes a great deal of sense given that Forsaken is supposed to be for D2 what The Taken King was for the original game – the expansion that made it actually fun to play. Just about every Destiny player looks back on The Taken King with considerable amounts of fondness for a reason. The expansion gave us a story that made sense, new classes that changed up the gameplay, new areas to explore and farm, a raid that was singularly enjoyable, and took the game from simply being a multiplayer machine into something approaching an MMO.
Given what we know about Destiny 2: Forsaken so far, from its story, its new Gambit mode, to the weapon slot changes, to the latest livestream, we are tentatively hopeful that this expansion will provide the game with a much needed revitalization.
Destiny 2: Forsaken will be out September 4 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. You can check out The Dreaming City in the trailer below.