A new crossover event is coming to World of Tanks this week, as characters from the show Peaky Blinders will be a part of the game
Posted in: Games, Video Games, YouTube | Tagged: iDeViL360, overwatch, pokemon
A Fan Video Shows 'Overwatch' In The World Of 'Pokémon'
A cool video making the rounds this week comes to us from the YouTube channel for iDeViL360, as they show us what the world of Overwatch would look like if they took a page from Pokémon. It's an awesome five-minute video with tons of in-game references and fan jokes (I especially loved watching Mercy's hospital with the words "please stop nerfing me" go across the screen.) The video is a total parody, but it would be nice if Overwatch were portable, say on the Nintendo Switch… but one can dream I guess.

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