Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Crossover Event, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Final Fantasy Tactics, Square Enix
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Teams Up With Tactics In The Latest Crossover Event
It's been a busy week for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. While you're sitting around chipping away at Ifrit during the FFXIV crossover event, The March on Ifrit, you can also pick up some Final Fantasy Tactics summons from a brand new event dungeon called The Auracite Chosen.
This crossover includes a special event dungeon. There are rewards for completing each of the quests in the event series. Mostly it's equipment drops, but hey, who doesn't need better weapons? Granted, they're designed to go with the brand new Tactics units, but still.
During this event, the drop rate for new heroes, including those from Tactics, has increased. The new Tactics characters are Orlandeau, Soleil, Ovelia, and Lawrence. So, be prepared to spend some Lapis trying to get your hands on these new units while you can.
During your questing, you might encounter random Chocobo bosses. But don't be fooled by their feathery cuteness, these birds are here to take you down. Red chocobos are definitely the ones to look out for. Granted, they only show up in ADV and higher difficulty quests, so newer players won't get absolutely crushed.
The special crossover with Tactics is running from today through April 6th. So you've got a decent amount of time to wheedle out all those summons. And while you're on Brave Exvius it might be worth it to pop over into the FFXIV crossover event. If for nothing other than collecting some raid rewards and new summons like Thancred, Y'shtola, and Minfilia. The March on Ifrit ends at the end of the month on March 30th.