Posted in: Epic Games, Fortnite, Games, Video Games | Tagged: epic games, Fortnite
Fortnite Finally Reveals Details To Chapter 2 Season 8
After dealing with an alien invasion and teasing new buff unicorn skins, Epic Games finally revealed details for Fortnite's latest season. Chapter 2 Season 8 starts today and with it comes a few new additions and changes. Specifically with the terrifying fact that the Cubes are back and wreaking havoc on the new island. Or, what's left of it, as you'll see there's no debris covering almost everything. You also learn that surprise, Doctor Slone double-crossed you in the storyline currently happening, so there's that do deal with as well. We have the details and a pair of trailers for this season, including a look at the new Battle Pass.
"The Sideways" is a dark, monster-filled reality where gravity is very low and building is hindered. These Cubes are not only spreading corruption, but they're also spreading portals to this mysterious world, known as "Sideways Anomalies", and causing The Sideways to bleed into our world. With that, certain points of interest (POI) will also be altered by The Sideways in each match—these altered areas are called Sideways Zones. To fight these Sideways monsters, players should fortify themselves with Sideways weapons such as the Sideways Rifle and Sideways Minigun. The Cubes are everywhere in Fortnite and with them comes corruption, which seems to be concentrated nearby the wrecked Mothership. Thankfully, some of the ship's tech still works, so players will be able to use this to their advantage. Shadow Stones, which can be found scattered midst the rubble, will also come in handy as it will allow players to temporarily become a shadow-like apparition. The Cubes are no joke, so we're encouraging players to join the war effort and help direct it! Players will need to come together, donate Bars to construction sites for Turret Stations and decide which new weapons to develop and unvault. Speaking of weapons, the war effort's fearless leader J.B. Chimpanski is bringing back some weapon favorites on the house including the Automatic Sniper Rifle and Harpoon Gun.

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