Torchlight: Infinite has revealed new details about the next season coming to the game, as Season 8: Sandlord will launch in April
Posted in: Games | Tagged: Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone
Hearthstone Reveals Festival Of Legends Expansion Coming In April
Blizzard Entertainment revealed the latest expansion for Hearthstone as they're bringing the music in Festival of Legends.
Blizzard Entertainment showed off the latest expansion on the way to Hearthstone today as players will be able to experience the Festival Of Legends. The shorthand to this is that it s basically themed around a music festival for the theme, with over 140 cards available for you to mess with that will change up the meta once again. We got the dev note below and a detailed set of patch notes on their website, as the pack will go live next month.
- The Festival of Legends expansion, consisting of 145 new collectible cards, is coming in April!
- Festival of Legends Pre-Purchase Mega Bundle includes 80 packs, 10 Golden packs, 2 Golden random Legendaries, 1 Hedanis Priest full hero skin, and 1 Hedanis cardback. The Standard Bundle includes 60 packs, two non-golden random Legendaries, and 1 Hedanis cardback.
- Legendary Musicians and Songs: Each class will have a Legendary minion representing the star musician for that class, plus a Legendary spell that showcases that musician's most famous song. There will also be new class instrument weapon cards—some with Deathrattle effects that improve while in play.
- Soloist Minions and Harmonic Spells: Soloist Minions have special Battlecry effects if they're the only minion in your control, while harmonic spells switch between harmonic and dissonant frequencies each turn they're in hand.
- New Hearthstone Keyword: Finale: Cards with the new Finale keyword get special bonuses if playing them uses up all remaining mana.
- The Priest class is getting a tune-up starting with the Festival of Legends expansion (includes Core set, too).
- New Class Keyword: Overheal gives Minions with Overheal a special effect that triggers when they are healed above their max health.
- The Headliner's Tour goes live with patch 25.6. Pick your favorite performers from one of three concert series and earn rewards from unique quests (rewards are divided into three separate tracks). Content is 100% in Ranked game mode.
- Legends Take the Stage event goes live at expansion launch for opportunities to earn free card packs.

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