Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: fashion week, Fashion Week 2022, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Introduces New Costumes For Fashion Week 2022
Fashion Week is coming back to Pokémon GO. This event is themed to costumed Pokémon, and it's bringing back returning event-themed Pokémon as well as new releases. Along with new costumed Pokémon, we will get a newly released Alolan species Mareanie. This is one of the most fun events of the year, and when it's over, it will be just about time for spooky season in the game. Let's get into the details of this exciting week of gameplay.
Here is what we have coming to Pokémon GO during Fashion Week 2022, which will take us through the end of September and the beginning of October, ushering in the best time of the year in the game:
- Date and time: Tuesday, September 27th, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to Monday, October 3, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
- Shiny release: Furfrou will be available in its Shiny form!
- New species drop in Pokémon GO: Mareanie is the new Alolan species coming to the game in this event. Its evolution Toxapex will be available as well.
- New costumed Pokémon: Diglett wearing a top hat, Dugtrio wearing a top hat, Absol wearing sunglasses, and Toxicroak wearing a hat that its horn has ripped through.
- Timed Research Encounters: Top Hat Diglett, Sunglasses Absol, Cap Croagunk. Cap Croagunk will presumably be able to now evolve into Ripped Hat Toxicroak.
- Wild Encounters: Bow Butterfree, Murkrow, Glameow, Cap Croagunk, Collar Blitzle, Gothita, Frillish (F), Furfrou, Mareanie. Top Hat Diglett, Top Hat Kirlia, and Sunglasses Absol will be rare spawns.
- Raids:
- Tier One raids: Top Hat Diglett, Top Hat Shinx, Cap Croagunk, Scraggy, Furfrou
- Tier Three raids: Bow Butterfree, Top Hat Kirlia, Sunglasses Absol, Mareanie
- Tier Five Raids: Yveltal with a Shiny chance!
- Mega Raids: Mega Lopunny
- 7 KM Gift Eggs: Top Hat Diglett, Bow Smoochum, Top Hat Shinx, Cap Croagunk
- Field Research: Eevee, Murkrow, Skitty, Glameow, Cap Croagunk, Collar Blitzle, Furfro, Mareanie