Posted in: Bandai Namco, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Games, Video Game Publishers, Video Games | Tagged: Bandai Namco, dragon ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot - A New Power Awakens Set
Thoughts On Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC Battle Of The Gods Adaptation
Last month, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot was released for Nintendo Switch. This semi-open world game puts you in the shoes of Goku, Gohan, and the rest of the Z Warriors for a retelling of the four main Dragon Ball Z sagas: the Saiyan Saga, the Frieza Saga, the Cell Saga, and the Buu Saga. You can look forward to a complete review as well as gameplay guides to Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot but first, let's break down how this game by Bandai Namco adapts Akira Toriyama's iconic story. Now that we have covered the Saiyan Saga, the Frieza Saga, the Cell Saga, and the Buu Saga, let's venture into the three-part A New Power Awakens set which expands to cover Battle of the Gods and Resurrection of F along with a new Trunks-themed story. First, let's talk Battle of the Gods.
Unlike the storyline so far in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the A New Power Awakens DLC breaks from the established source material. While I would later discover that the rest of the DLC's two parts are indeed narrative-based, this first part is a complete reimagining of Goku's meeting with Beerus and ascension into godhood as he achieves the Super Saiyan God form. Instead of introducing Beerus as a threat to the Earth, Whis plucks Goku and Vegeta off of Earth and directly brings them to his home planet. It's much more of an adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super episodes that take place after Goku originally fights Beerus and before Frieza returns.
That said, there is next to no story here — it's all training. While there is a nod to Vegeta being forced to cook to keep Beerus's temper in line, those looking forward to moments from the movie including all of the food scenes, Vegeta's "My Bulma" rampage, and the Earth-shaking Goku vs. Beerus battle will be sorely disappointed. Temper those expectations, though, and A New Power Awakens Part 1 will allow you to quickly more than double your characters' power levels to take back into the main Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot gameplay.
Limit-breaking in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Here's what happens. You train with Whis in two different ways. The first way is all about transformations, with Whis offering Goku and Vegeta the ability to transform into all levels of Super Saiyan (except 3 for Vegeta, and also giving Goku Kaio Ken which Vegeta doesn't get) and then, finally, Super Saiyan God. If you've played the main story first, your character will tell Whis that he already has unlocked those levels before accepting Super Saiyan God the same way Goku does with the ritual in the film… except this time, we get a (very) brief Future Trunks appearance for the ritual.
The other way to train with Whis earns different levels of Awakening Water that you can find in your food items. Feed it to your characters to level them up quickly, allowing them to max out at 250 (at this current stage). Once they are all powered up, the ultimate goal of this aspect of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is to defeat Beerus as both Goku and Vegeta. I found this a lot easier with Vegeta due to the Super Big Bang Attack. With Goku, the God Kamehameha is the way, and it is a lot trickier.
The first part of A New Power Awakens is a fun addition that doesn't succeed in adapting Battle of the Gods as it doesn't attempt to do so. Instead, it streamlines the story to the training aspects in order to prepare the characters for the next two parts of the DLC, which are indeed narrative-based.