Posted in: Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, Showtime, TV, YouTube | Tagged: black lodge, cable, Dale Cooper, david lynch, fire walk with me, kyle mach, Kyle MacLachlan, Laura Palmer, mark frost, showtime, television, tv, twin peaks, Twin Peaks The Return, white lodge
Playing With Fire: Join Us As We LIVEBLOG 'Twin Peaks' Part 15!
Welcome to Playing With Fire: Twin Peaks S03E15 – There's some fear in letting go., Bleeding Cool's liveblog play-by-play of Sunday night's episode on Showtime. I'm going to be sharing with you a bunch of my thoughts, opinions and random off-topic comments that end-up bouncing around in my head, so make sure to let me know what you think!
● This page should update…but refresh just to make sure you don't miss anything.
● If you're going on social media to talk about what we're talking about, go with: #bclive and #liveblog.
● While you're waiting (or if you a few minutes ), check-out some cool additional Twin Peaks-related stuff I was able to dig-up, including: Seth Meyers imagines what Late Night with Seth Meyers would be like if it was filmed in The Black Lodge's Red Room; the official music video for Lissie's Wild West; another one of those Twin Peaks "missing pieces;" and links to past Bleeding Cool coverage.
● So that's it! I'll be on a few minutes before 8:00pm EST to start the show…hope you join me!
Seth Meyers imagines what Late Night with Seth Meyers would be like if it was filmed in The Black Lodge's Red Room:
Here's the official music video for Lissie's Wild West, last week's end-of-episode artist:
Here's another Twin Peaks "missing piece" that takes-on so much more meaning now:
'Twin Peaks' Season 3, Part 14 Recap: "Mind Your Own Business. Please."
Playing With Fire: Join Us As We LIVEBLOG 'Twin Peaks' Part 14!
'Twin Peaks' Part 13 Recap: 'I Only Want To Die Or Change'
PwF: 'Twin Peaks' Part 13 – What Story Is That, Charlie? (BC LIVEBLOG)
'Twin Peaks' Part 12 Recap: Everything Old Is New Again (VIDEO)
Playing With Fire: 'Twin Peaks' S03E12 – Let's Rock (BC Liveblog)
Twin Peaks Season 3, Episode 11 Recap: "There's No Backup For This"
'Twin Peaks' Part 10: Over Halfway There And We're…Somewhere
'Twin Peaks': Kyle MacLachlan Believes Lynch Honors Late Actors
Twin Peaks Live Blog – Join Us For Parts 3 And 4!
Review: Finally, The Return Of Twin Peaks,With All Of The Wonderful Frustration That Goes With It