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Flash! I Love You! But We Only Have 14 Hours To Save WonderCon!
Jimmy L talked to Sam J. Jones at WonderCon 2017
Gordons alive?
That zitty high schooler working at the drive in that used to pretend he was fighting Ming the Merciless along side Brian Blessed and James Bond just got kicked in the Mongos! I met a lifelong hero Sam J. Jones
I'm wondering thru WonderCon show floor, my head spinning from all the press room coffe, but who should my weary eyes grasp firmly in their gaze but former New York Jets Quarterback and savior of Earth, Sam J. Jones. Who in my sagging eyes will always be Flash Gordon. I loved his roles in both Ted and Ted2 so I asked him for 5 minutes for a few questions.
JimmyL: Sam J. Jones, Jimmy Leszczynski Bleeding Cool dot com.
SamJ: Hi how are you doing?
JL: Real quick Sam, how similar is your WonderCon experience to what was portrayed in Ted 2?
SJ: Ha ha, that's a great question, no one asked me that before. Well obviously, come on, no one should treat the fans the way I did, shaking their hands with the half ass sincere smile and pushing them forward, I mean no one does that. It was just the comedy involved. That's the way Seth (McFarlane) wanted it and I like to improvise anyway. But what he did do I must say, he took a Soundstage and turned it into New York Comic Con. As many Cons as I have done I thought I was really walking into New York Comic Con. Here's how he did it. It just wasn't the similarities, to make it look right he brought in the actual vendors. So if it was Call of Duty it was the Call of Duty vendors. If it was Pirates of the Caribbean, it was those professionals who run the Pirates of the Caribbean displays at every convention. It was unbelievable.
JL: So you staged your own mini-Con?
SJ: Yeah, I guess I did didn't I?
JL: That's awesome, does anyone ever come up dressed in the Flash T-shirt or Flash tank top?
SJ: Oh yeah, more so the T-shirt but yeah.
JL: How is that from your perspective, is that flattering, is it scary?
SJ: No, it is flattering. Of course it is. What I'm starting to hear when I do these, as I'm traveling to more cities I've never been, it's an opportunity to for the fans to tell me their story. How I, or the movie impacted their lives. That's why Seth brought me in to the Ted franchise.
JL: It certainly was a big influence on my life, I watched it everyday for a year when it came out on VHS (Hey Youngsters! That's how us olden folk used watch the Talkies at home before the digital age) I can't tell you what an honor it is topening meet you. One more real quick question- can you tell us if you are going to be in the reboot?
SJ: I hope so. I talking to them now and I have been since the beginning when Mathew Riley acquired the rights at Fox Studios, oh gosh Jimmy, probably about 2 and half years ago. So yes I would love to be. And why should I not, I mean come on.
JL: Exactly.
SJ: And what ever it takes to make the film work. If I'm Flash Gordon, if I'm the dad. And I understand you gotta have the younger elements of the good looking guy and the good looking girl. But again just like I told him (Matthew Riley) and his team just keep us in mind when you cast Flash Gordon. I can still do as many push ups and pull ups as he can do, ok?
JL: Yes, yes, yes! I hope you are in there man! Thanks for your time, I really appreciate you talking the time to talk to me.
SJ: No, thank you Jimmy and Bleeding Cool dot com.
After the interview, Sam, chatting with for a while about shoulder rehab and workout regiments. A genuinely nice guy.