But have people been prepared? I only ask because yesterday, walking through London, I came across a protest against 5G.
If nothing else, maybe DC Comics might consider a name change for this litany of half-truths and misinformation Or maybe they will like the confusion For those still confused, this is the DC Comics 5G –[...]
5g Archives
Okay, so this is just a punt. An idea. Joining dots where there may be no dots. Mindless speculation. But this kind of thing usually works out fairly
How Wonder Woman #750 Kicks Off The New DC Timeline With President Roosevelt and Bombshells Spoilers
Today sees the publication of Wonder Woman #750, and it kicks off the new DC Timeline. The byword for the new timeline, four generations worth with a
He was low on specifics – could he have been talking about Bleeding Cool's coverage of 5G?
"There are a lot of half-truths and misinformation floating around about some of our plans I appreciate people wanting to be excited and in the know about what's going on The first people who will find out once we're[...]
Bleeding Cool had the tip-off that evidence of 5G and the new DC Comics Timeline we have been talking about for quite a while, would officially appear in an already-solicited comic book from DC Comics, something out in the first third of the year We came up with a list of possibles One on that[...]
And that the motto for 5G and the new DC Timeline as a whole is that "everything happened"…
Apart from shooting Maxwell Lord in the head For now.
Wonder Woman was first created by William Moulton Marston in 1942, halfway through the Second World War and was initially depicted fighting Axis military forces as well as[...]
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran the big 5G, Death Metal, and DC Timeline gossip from across the holiday period And naturally, I woke up to lots of comments, clarifications, corrections and one or two cuffs around the ear.
One such involved Bleeding Cool stating that the first signs of what would be coming in DC's 5G and[...]
Gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip…
The run-up to the holidays seems to have been quite a time for 5G plans[...]
Superboy-Prime Returns In Shazam #13 – Time to Start Reality-Punching Doomsday Clock and DC Rebirth?
Just the sort of person you might need to punch reality to make a) Doomsday Clock fit in with the rest of the DC Universe b) give us another Crisis c) give us another Convergence or d) make 5G happen Superboy-Prime is from a parallel Earth called Earth-Prime, devoid of any superheroes, or even superhumans,[...]
DC Comics has not used the phrase 5G publically yet First mentioned by Bleeding Cool last summer as a major project that DC Comics was planning, it was only when DC Comics publisher Dan DiDio talked about publishing a timeline for DC Comics shared continuity or 'connective tissue' at San Diego, then unveiled the four[...]
For the last seven months, Bleeding Cool has been reporting on something called 5G.
That it would be the fifth Generation on the DC Comics Timeline That it is part of the Timeline being radically changed, and the original Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman etc suddenly being a lot older than they have previously been portrayed.
And as[...]
And we get the first mention of something Bleeding Cool first heard about back in June.
So we have Earth 5G But rather than what we were told, that it is only happening in six years, we can now see that this is when 5G will be undone with a new timeline, but the 5G universe[...]
I know, right?
Now Bleeding Cool has been covering in as much depth as we have been able to uncover, something at DC Comics called 5G We first got a whiff back in June, without anything to attach it to, just the name.
And then when covering the DC Comics Timeline reveal, it clicked Four Generations of[...]
Bleeding Cool was the first to break the news that a) DC Comics were to replace Bruce Wayne as Batman with another DC Comics character and that it was intended he be a black man b) that they pumped for Luke Fox, son of Lucius Fox, currently filling the role of Batwing and c) this[...]
Bleeding Cool just ran a piece looking at upcoming plans for the character of Luke Fox in the Batman comic books. Including the very real possibility that
The birth of their child… could this be a way forward to Aquaman and 5G? They'll have to hurry things up, Superman-style if so Or maybe give Arther and Mera a reason to take a step back…
variant cover by KRIS ANKA
In this[...]
The Green Lantern was relaunched with much aplomb a year ago, from Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp, ostensibly as a cosmic police procedural series but it wet rather weird, rather quickly.
Currently on a break for the Green Lantern: Blackstars mini-series, The Green Lantern returns with a Season Two for 2020, which will run through the[...]
And that it's all part of 5G, which will see all the major name characters replaced in the DC Universe.
Well, people seem to have been responding This eBay seller has sold a couple of copies for $17 each, and it's only out today Plenty of people have sold copies at cover price online which seem[...]
Once you start looking for DC Comics 5G lead-ins, you can't stop Such as today's Justice League Odyssey #15 by Dan Abnett, Will Conrad, Rain Beredo and Pere Pantazis With a great role for Dex-Starr…
But, in a final page reveal, it's another Starr character we are concerned with, as we get to meet a new[...]
Bleeding Cool has established that 5G is DC Comics' new plan to replace their most iconic characters with other characters taking the role – and not the ones that might, in other years, have expected.
Luke Fox as Batman, Jonathan Kent as Superman, a child of Captain Boomerang as the Flash, and either Teen Lantern or[...]
Okay, so we told you that our former speculation regarding a possible 5G Wonder Woman to go alongside was off the mark We've managed to establish with actual sources that DC comics has icon replacements planned with Luke Fox as Batman, Jonathan Kent as Superman, a child of Captain Boomerang as the Flash, and either[...]
Possibly Francis Manapul That's what Bleeding Cool has been led to expect will be coming from DC Comics' 5G That sort of thing You can catch up with this handy tag.
So as DC's 5G has been nicknamed Axel Alonso 2.0 by some With certain retailers seeing similarity even in concept, to the Marvel Now 2.0[...]
The other day, Bleeding Cool ran some mindless speculation regarding the recent Wonder Woman Annual and how it might potentially feed into DC's 5G which will involve DC Comics relaunching their major characters with new characters in the leads Luke Fox as Batman, Jonathan Kent as Superman, a child of Captain Boomerang as the Flash,[...]
Earlier, we looked at how today's Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer brought a new swear word to the DC Universe. But it may be bringing a far more
And now combined, with new origins and a Wonder Woman #750 on the way…
Also… and look, this is just mindless speculation, but if rehabilitation is part and parcel of Gunther's stories, could she be a candidate to take over Wonder Woman's position in 5G? Just a thought…
(W) Steve Orlando (A) V Kenneth[...]
To start preparing for 5G in 2021 (or sooner) And it seems that, once again Marie Javins will be the one tasked with delivering the new DC Band-Aid.
Convergence II would be too on the nose Anyone have a suggestion? No, Heidi, not Blood Moon…
You know how we said that, numerically, we might be getting[...]
Another week, another bevvy of Doom Signals fill the air. As we learned in last week's Justice League, these indicate that in the public vote on whether
Bleeding Cool was the first to break the news that 5G existed, and then in the light of the DC Nation Panel, what it was The Fifth Generation of DC Comics storytelling and one that will see a number of major DC Comics characters relinquish their roles and their superhero name picked up by someone[...]
Bleeding Cool was the first to break the news that 5G existed, and then in the light of the DC Nation Panel, what it was The Fifth Generation of DC Comics storytelling and one that will see a number of major DC Comics characters relinquish their roles and their superhero name picked up by someone[...]
During the DC Comics Nation panel at New York Comic Con, DC Comics publisher Dan DiDio revealed the DC Comics timeline. Bleeding Cool got the best