Well folks, strap in and prepare for a jolting stop with Flash #6, slated to hit stands on Tuesday, February 27th—assuming it doesn't run a few laps around the Earth and drop in yesterday For those of you who (somehow) missed the "shocking ending" of the last issue, you're in luck, because Wally West is[...]
flash Archives
Originally introduced as the nephew of Barry Allen, the original Flash, Wally West gained his super-speed powers through a freak accident involving a lightning bolt and chemicals in Flash #110 This was very similar to how Barry's origin story unfolded, but it gave DC Comics fans Kid Flash in a world of sidekicks Wally took[...]
New powers for old, new powers for old! Bleeding Cool already compared the new Flash series by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato to both Immortal Hulk and Saga Of The Swamp Thing in terms of trying to redefine a character In the new issue out tomorrow, it is time to pass that lesson on, as[...]
Let's hit the ground running with the latest chapter in Flashy family dysfunction: Flash #5 This time, it's like an episode of 'Speedster Family Feud' with extra cosmic horror sprinkled on top Scheduled to zip into your local comic shop faster than you can say "daddy issues" on Tuesday, January 23rd, it looks like everyone's[...]
While Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Birds Of Prey and Harley Quinn come within the Bat symbol, Nightwing gets his own, separate from Batman and from Titans.
Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Looney Tunes and Scooby Doo have their own, while the DC Power oneshot gets a Black History Month logo all to itself[...]
Jay Garrick, The Flash, first appeared in Flash Comics #1 in 1940, created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Harry Lampert Jay Garrick gained his speed-enhancing abilities by inhaling hard water vapour during a lab experiment which granted him superhuman speed and agility, allowing him to become the Flash and fight crime But in tomorrow's[...]
The highest graded copy of Showcase #4, the first appearance of Barry Allen as the Flash, has just gone for a record $900,000 at today's session of the 2024 January 11 – 14 Comics & Comic Art Signature Auction #7358 at Heritage Auctions This iconic issue is the first appearance of the Silver Age version[...]
Wally West was originally introduced as Kid Flash and is the nephew of Barry Allen, aka The Flash Wally has quite an interesting history in DC Comics as he was the main Flash from 1986 to 2009 He is even the main Speedster in the hit Justice League cartoon, making him possibly more famous and[...]
Showcase #4 (DC Comics, 1956) is the first appearance of the Silver Age version of the Flash, written by Robert Kanigher, drawn by Carmine Infantino, and inked by Joe Kubert under the editorship of Julius Schwartz Long considered one of the most important comic books of the Silver Age (and arguably, the most important), Showcase[...]
But it turns out that not everything can be sorted out by a frank exchange of views at an American diner.
Well, maybe there is someone they should call from today's Flash #4 from Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato?
As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a[...]
But The Flash #4 also wants to get a bit of the action The event that has seen Beast Boy turn into Garro, a Star Conquerer, in defence against a Necrostar, has also seen the world transformed into animalistic aggressive versions of themselves, courtesy of Garro's spores Of course, every global story is really a[...]
Hey there, speed-reading aficionados and lovers of family dysfunction! Strap in because coming to a comic shop near you on Tuesday, December 26th, is Flash #4—and this issue promises to flash-bang your senses with a zesty fusion of speedster shenanigans and philosophical ponderings Faster than you can say "daddy issues," here's what DC's cooking up[...]
Well, well, well, if it isn't time for your favorite speedster to zip through the new batch of drama in Flash #3, speeding into stores faster than my swiftly dwindling interest this upcoming Tuesday Let's see what the Scarlet Speedster is up to now, shall we?
After the arrival of the Stillness last issue, the alien[...]
Hey there, all you comic connoisseurs, Jude Terror here again with my unwanted android chum, LOLtron, previewing the upcoming explosion of ink and paper shenanigans, otherwise known as Flash #2 Set to hit your local comic store or whatever digital medium you prefer on Tuesday, October 24th Read on, brave souls, for a sneak peak[...]
Is the goddess of discord really to blame, or is there another mastermind pulling the strings?
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Written by SI SPURRIER
Art and cover by MIKE DEODATO JR.
Variant covers by MIKE DEODATO JR[...]
Judy Garrick is The Boom! In the New Golden Age one-shot reprinted early this month, and currently gaining new attention, we met characters who did not previously exist in the DC Universe because they were removed from it and now are being returned.
Full Name: Judy Garrick
Occupation: Student
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Jay Garrick (father), Joan Garrick (mother)
The Bleeding Cool Bestseller List sees Ultimate Invasion's finale tops the chart just behind Immortal Thor, with the new Flash relaunch in a strong third place Iron Man gets an X-Men boost and Void Rivals still performs incredibly strongly for Image/Skybound.
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, completing its first month under the[...]
If you thought the Flash was fast at darting between dimensions, you'd be amazed at the speed with which Wally West can kick off a brand new number-one issue series Why did his previous one end and a new one begin? Who knows? The upcoming Flash #1 from DC, painted with broad strokes of existential[...]
Si Spurrier is writing the new Flash relaunch from DC Comics, drawn by Mike Deodato and pitched as a cosmic horror And yes, that is a very, very different tone to the Flash that Jeremy Adams was writing … but it doesn't ignore it Flash #796 ended the One Minute War with Max Mercury whizzing off into the sunset to… see what's[...]
Si Spurrier is writing the new Flash relaunch from DC Comics, drawn by Mike Deodato and pitched as a cosmic horror And yes, that is a very, very different tone to the Flash that Jeremy Adams was writing, and the recent movie This weekend is Final Order Cut-Off for The Flash #1 so Spurrier wanted[...]
At the end of September, he's bringing Wally West into the Dawn of DC in Flash #1 with legendary artist Mike Deodato on the 27th for a comic book of cosmic horror The prior week on the 20th of September, he's teaming up with Lee Garbett to reimagine Nightcrawler as the Uncanny Spider-Man as part[...]
But the number one was Chris Weston's Batman designs for the Flash movie This world can seem like a terrible and strange place sometimes, but at Bleeding Cool, you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day[...]
Only one cinema, in only one price bracket, in only one 9-hour stretch of time that concludes at 2 am, leaving me cycling home through the night.
Mission Impossible/Flash/Asteroid City posters
This is why today I am off to the Vue in Fulham Broadway, London, to watch Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, Asteroid City, and[...]
And as predicted in previous Bleeding Cool gossip, it all comes from the last DC Comics event, Lazarus Planet.
With the man who would be Insomniac gaining new powers from within Arkham Tower.
And in Knight Terrors: The Flash #1, we see the impact on other residents.
Zatanna is confronted with her past in Knight Terrors: Zatanna #1[...]
But hey, it's on Rolling Stone, what are you going to do?
Because, yes, yes, yes, the version of Superman from the abandoned Tim Burton's Superman Lives movie that would have starred comic book fan (he named himself after Luke Cage) Nicolas Cage as Superman and Clark Kent, does make an appearance in the new Flash[...]
So, yes, apparently there's a Flash film in the cinemas right now, which involves The Flash travelling in time and meeting himself, or versions of himself, as one does these days It has become rather popular Last month's Titans #1 has Wally West as The Flash but didn't start well for him So how does[...]
Some of the Flash's past is in the future While his future is in the past Welcome to Flash #800, published today Just before a Flash #1 relaunch – or #901 as its legacy number will probably be The Flash has always involved the character's future, often seen from the past and this anniversary issue[...]
If it isn't time for another overhyped, cash-grabbing milestone issue – Flash #800, hitting stores on Tuesday, June 6th This oversize anniversary issue is so packed with writers, they're practically tripping over each other Let's see how this relay race goes with Jeremy Adams, Mark Waid, Joshua Williamson, Geoff Johns, and Simon Spurrier on the[...]
Tickets are finally on pre-sale for the upcoming DC Universe film The Flash This movie is packed, sending off the DC Universe we all feel in love with and welcoming a new one Barry Allen is changing time and space with his incredible powers, and it might not end the way he thought Changing the[...]
Ah, Flash #799, when the silver lining of every Tuesday is the release of a new comic to further fuel my existential dread Slated to hit comic stores on May 16th, this one's got Wally and his trusty team infiltrating the aptly named Nest, all in hopes of saving their little tyke from the Granny[...]