guy gardner Archives

DC Legion of Collectors Green Lantern Funko Box
This Pop three-pack Ch'p, Guy Gardner, and Kilowog are three of the best-sculpted, best-looking Pops I have ever seen Each one has very distinct looks — Ch'p with his tail, Guy with the lapels, and the entirety of his figure Kilowog is one of my favorite Pops in my collection already He was always one[...]
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #36 cover by Francis Manapul
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner have finally found the Controllers While the Green Lanterns seem to have gotten the drop on the Controllers, the immortals were prepared for an attack from the Green Lantern Corps Worse yet, they are accelerating their plans for the Guardians Can these four Green Lanterns[...]
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #35 cover by Francis Manapul
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Green Lanterns Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner have arrived at the hidden base of the Controllers Inside are the last of the Guardians, whose very essence is being sapped to create new Controllers These four Green Lanterns are the only ones to save them, and naught but an army of[...]
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #34 cover by Francis Manapul
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] John Stewart, Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, and Guy Gardner ask Somar-Re about what happened to Ganthet and Sayd Once they figure out the Controllers were responsible, these four Green Lanterns of Earth go out to investigate where the Controllers are located. Meanwhile, the Controllers begin to use the Guardians for their plan. Hal Jordan and the[...]
Hal Jordan And The GL Corps #32 Review: Cool Battle, Little Plot Advancement
Hal Jordan presents his trademark cockiness and determination, and the opening pages present a nice little moment between Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, and John Stewart, as well as between Hal Jordan, his niece, and his nephew. As you would expect, Hal fights to the bitter end against the Dawnbreaker Unfortunately, you don't get to see the[...]
Hal Jordan and the GL Corps #30 cover by Ethan Van Sciver and Jason Wright
He's on par with Sciver and Sandoval, who have been rocking Hal Jordan's artwork up until now. The only complaint I can come up with is that the mouths do look a bit weird from time-to-time. Color artist Jason Wright does some great work here too, and his color art jives with Zircher easily. While I do feel[...]
Cover to Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #29 by Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey
John, Guy Gardner, and a division of Green Lanterns ride out to stop them before they unleash Yuga Khan from his prison. This is another showdown issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, and Robert Venditti has proven time and again that he knows how to make these awesome It's just the Green Lanterns[...]
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #23 Review: A Strong Continuation Of The Saga
She discovers, before his body disappears back to the future, that he is her son, and Kyle Rayner is the father. John sends Guy Gardner and Arkillo to investigate the Cepheid Raiders which Bolphunga leads They find cyborg being with a recording on it, which they take back to John. This is an interesting mystery, and Robert Venditti[...]
Rebirth Recap: Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps Rebirth
However, Soranik Natu covertly rescues him and repairs the damage. John sends out Guy Gardner as a scout to determine what is going on in the universe and where they are in the vastness of space He manages to find his way to Warworld and is captured by the Sinestro Corps John and the others run[...]
'Rebirth' Recap: Green Lanterns Share Some Buddy Cop Greatness
He figures out that if he can track down the first seven Green Lantern Rings, he may be able to recreate his Travel Lantern. Simon and Jessica are tasked to train with Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner, respectively It proves to be no easy task for them, but they eventually manage to impress both training sergeants. And[...]
Green Lanterns #24 Review: Training Day Ends For Simon And Jessica
Simon is to be trained by Kyle Rayner, and Jessica has had her Lantern insignia taken away until she undergoes training with Guy Gardner Having decked Gardner at the end of last issue, Jessica is having to duke it out with him proper Meanwhile, Simon still has to survive his training, and the Volthoom-possessed Rami[...]
Today's Justice League 3001 – It's Complicated
We've recently drawn attention to the current plotlne of Justice League 3001, in which the very male Guy Gardner has found himself in a female body, against his will, and is dealing with the new situation, and the rection of his colleages on the team. It has caused some disquiet and discussion amongst transgender commenters and[...]
Guy Gardner, You Never Change, You Hear?
One punchline. From today's Red Lanterns by Charles Soule and Alessandro Vitti. I look forward to the sex education manual to follow, The Joy Of Zox in which Zilius Zox finds out exactly what a testicle is and, enraged, goes to beat up Guy Gardner With one punch to the nuts. Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London[...]
Red Lanterns #10 – The Return Of One Punch!
The time when Batman took down Guy Gardner Green Lantern with one punch Indeed "one punch" has become a mantra for some. Today, in Red Lanterns #10, we get a return to that with Batman stand-in Midnighter And a certain Red Lantern feline, Dex-Starr With exactly the same result. There will be outrage you know Not to[...]
Friday Trending Topics: Holding The Line At $2.99
Guy Gardner does tend to have his moments, doesn't he? I still laugh about the One Punch page and that was 25 (!!) years ago now Back in realtime, it's another big convention weekend, with Kapow and Supanova among others going on, and people are talking about Ra's Al Ghul, Marvel/DC numbers, Thor, and[...]
Guy Gardner And The Frost Giants
Here's an image that's been doing the rounds, a clipped panel from a recent issue of Green Lantern, labelled Guy Gardner And The Frost Giants. Will it become the new Captain America Wank? Talking of which, I think that old one needs an update. Okay, I'm heading off to set up at Kapow for tomorrow[...]