Olivia Taylor Dudley Archives

Touch Me Director & Cast Talk Japanese Pink Film Influences & More
When it comes to testing the limits on how far one is willing to express him/her/themselves physically and visually, the imagination can travel to some deep creative places, as writer-director Addison Heimann demonstrated in his 2002 film Hypochondriac. In his latest film, Touch Me, he explores the lives of two co-dependent people, Joey (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and[...]
Touch Me Director & Cast Talk Japanese Pink Film Influences & More
The psychosexual horror-comedy follows two co-dependent friends, Joey (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and Craig (Jordan Gavaris), as they battle their insecurities and toxicity when Joey's ex, Brian (Lou Taylor Pucci), resurfaces Brian is an alien who can use his touch to take away someone's anxiety and depression in a moment of euphoria While promoting the film[...]
Check Out The Trailer For She Dies Tomorrow, Out Soon
Featuring a great cast, including Kate Lyn Sheil, Jane Adams, Ken Tucker, Chris Messina, Katie Aselton, Tunde Adebimpe, Jennifer Kim, Josh Lucas, Olivia Taylor Dudley, and Michelle Rodriguez, the film is written and directed by Amy Seimetz The unique kick to this film is that when a woman maned Amy wakes up knowing that she is[...]
'The Magicians' Plays Mystically Satisfying Round of "Marry, F**k, Kill" [SPOILER REVIEW]
His appraisal of loss was rather sweet, and seeing the Monster of Blackspire Castle decide to help Quentin through his remorse was touching – which made his proclamation about Eliot's death all the more chilling. Check back with us on Wednesday, February 20, when The Magicians returns to SYFY with "Escape from the Happy Place": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dpnq6490UpkVideo can't[...]
"The Bad News Bear" Gets All Snugly with 'The Magicians' [SPOILER REVIEW]
"The Bad News Bear" is an entire episode of a writer's room having fun at work, well-executed by a cast that's perfectly suited to deliver. Now if you'll excuse us, we're watching it again… Here's a look at what's in store for our hapless magicians in next week's episode "Marry… Kill," airing Wednesday, February 13th on SYFY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ondT7kgYToVideo[...]
"The Bad News Bear" Comes A-Callin' for 'The Magicians' [PREVIEW]
It's definitely not Bacchus (Ryan McDonald), who appears content with partying his way across Fillory–and we're pretty sure it's not Santa (Tom Wright), who appears to be content with helping Alice (Olivia Dudley) break out of the Library. THE MAGICIANS — "Bad News Bear" Episode 403 — Pictured: Olivia Taylor Dudley as Alice — (Photo by:[...]
The Magicians Season 4: Conjure Yourself Current with Our Mega-Recap (BC REWIND)
His eyes sport an eerie glow: Eliot has been possessed by the Blackspire monster, and none of the magicians know who they really are. How are Quintin and his friends going to escape the monster without knowing who they really are? Will Dean Fogg be able to negotiate with the Library? Will there be more musical episodes? Hopefully, we'll[...]
The Magicians: Watch SYFY Pull a Season 5 Out of Its Hat, Rocky!
Quintin is joined by fellow magicians Eliot (Hale Appleman), Julia (Stella Maeve), Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley), Penny (Arjun Gupta), Margo (Summer Bishil), and Kady (Jade Tailor) as they travel to the magical world of Fillory, dabble in royalty, and thwart the plans of gods and creatures older than time. THE MAGICIANS — "Will You Play With[...]
The Magicians Season 4: Magic is a Monster in SYFY Series Official Trailer
The season ended with The Monster finding a mind-wiped Quentin, and Season 4 will pick up with The Monster seeking out the others, and something else… THE MAGICIANS stars Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor, Brittany Curran and Trevor Einhorn The series is executive produced[...]
But these inside look videos they've been doing this season give bit of the feel of the series, along with some pretty interesting moments with the cast. The most recent episode continued the story of Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and Julia (Stella Maeve) Julia spent the first season desperately trying to learn magic, but now she's[...]
Or they might not. And finally, we get to spend time with Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley), who is very different than the Alice we saw in season one or season two And while she's trying to save herself from the Lamprey, she is also dealing with her parents… with some mortal consequences. The Magicians airs Wednesdays at[...]
The series stars Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Arjun Gupta, Hale Appleman, Summber Bishil and Jade Tailor Felicia Day joins the cast in the new season. The Magicians return for season 3 starting January 10th on SYFY. https://youtu.be/83M5JIxPom8 SYFY has released a new conceptual trailer set aboard the Muntjac, a ship that will take our[...]
'The Magicians': A Frank, Emotional Talk About Trauma And Mental Illness At NYCC
From Bleeding Cool reporter Amanda Gurall:   Syfy presented The Magicians at the Hammerstein Ballroom at NYCC with executive producers Sera Gamble and John McNamera and cast members Jason Ralph (Quentin), Stella Maeve (Julia), Olivia Taylor Dudley (Alice), Arjun Gupta (Penny) and Hale Appleman (Eliot) Summer Bishil, who plays Margo, was sick and did not attend. The Magicians Season[...]
Which lead to the cast filming some fun scenes like Kady (Jade Tailor) getting to punch Quentin (Jason Ralph) and Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley) choking Penny (Arjun Gupta) Here we get to see how those scenes were filmed and the actors reactions. The Magicians airs Wednesdays at 9 PM on Syfy. https://youtu.be/sWwi4p1rkFMVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript[...]
A Spoiler Filled Look Inside Last Night's The Magicians
The video below features Olivia Taylor Dudley and Jason Ralph talking about the relationship between Alice and Quentin Executive producer Sera Gamble explains why it had to be Alice who killed the Beast. https://youtu.be/GMUzzpS9ETkVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: THE MAGICIANS | Inside Season 2: Episode 3 | SYFY (https://youtu.be/GMUzzpS9ETk) [...]
Looking Around Where The Magicians Hang Out
We get a tour of the Brakebills Laboratory from Dean Fogg (Rick Worthy) and Kady Orloff-Diaz (Jade Tailor), the Physical Kids Cottage with Penny (Arjun Gupta) and Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and Eliot (Hale Appleman) and Margo (Summer Bishil) take us around the Fillory Throne Room. The Magicians season two kicks off January 25th. https://youtu.be/YHJ-Co0mhUoVideo can't be loaded[...]
The Physical Kids Cottage From The Magicians
The video features Summer Bishil, Olivia Taylor Dudley, and Hale Appleman talking about some of the neat secrets of the cottage. [youtube]https://youtu.be/hDjBs18-0Nc[/youtube] One of the big surprises for me this year was The Magicians on Syfy I hadn't read any of Lev Grossman's books, so the whole thing was new to me[...]