pornsak pichetshote Archives

More DC Absolute Comics By Che Grayson And Pornsak Pichetshote
I can't wait for you guys to see it—it's sort of in the Batman universe, the Absolute Batman universe." "Then there's one other by Pornsak Pichetshote, who's a fantastic guy He used to be—he did a couple of great books The Good Asian is one, and I think Man's Best—is that what the new one is[...]
The Horizon Experiment: Finders//Keepers
The  initiative at Image Comics is led by Eisner and Harvey Award-winning creator Pornsak Pichetshote (The Good Asian, Infidel) and award-winning editor Will Dennis (SOMNA: A Bedtime Story, Gideon Falls). The Horizon Experiment: Finders//Keepers is a reverse Indiana Jones story that follows Puerto Rican archeology grad student Ines Guarua, who plans to steal an important cultural[...]
The Horizon Experiment
Pornsak Pichetshote is collaborating with multiple creators, including from comics, literature, film and television, for The Horizon Experiment A series of five one-shot comic books, all featuring original protagonists from marginalized backgrounds set in a popular genre and inspired by pop culture icons, where each character's unique background allows the stories to go in new[...]
Auto Draft
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Callie Broaddus, Marguerite Bennett, Maia Kobabe
Marguerite Bennett, and Maia Kobabe Most Important Comic Book On Earth …Matylda-mai Mccormack Sharp, Melinda Gebbie, Michael Conrad, Michael Dipascale, Michael Lee Harris, Mike Collins, Mike Perkins, Aware Animals, Mister Hope, Moksha Carambiah, Momo & Popo, Morgan Beem, Mwelwa Musonko, Neil Sims, Neil Mcclements, Nicholas Gurewitch, Nick Filardi, Noah Bailey, Owen Watts, Patrick Goddard, Paul Fitzgerald/polyp,[...]
Auto Draft
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Kieon Gi
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Taika Waititi
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
From Alan Moore To Taika Waititi, The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Good Asian #5 Review: The Struggle To Be Accepted
Credit: Image Comics Through a series of flashbacks, this Pornsak Pichetshote script displays how that cultural wrestling match played out through multiple periods of Hark's life, and he tried to carve out a little joy here and there through drawing or a clandestine tryst that the world would frown upon The artwork from Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee[...]
Down These Mean Streets A Man Must Go: Thoughts On The Good Asian #1
Credit: Image Comics Ex-Vertigo editor and Infidel writer Pornsak Pichetshote returns to Image with The Good Asian #1, a detective story in the Chandler lineage Pichetshote teams up with Outpost Zero's Alexandre Tefenkgi and colorist Lee Loughridge for this project Tefenkgi and Loughridge pull a trick I last saw in David Aja's Iron Fist, where they[...]
Good Asian #1 Review: Save A Table In Awards Season
The design and lettering from Jeff Powell make this look like a Criterion edition works, and that's fantastic. Then let's get into the script from Pornsak Pichetshote The noirish tones are perfect, the play on corrupt cops and impossible shades of gray to navigate moods in collaboration with Loughridge's colors This is a work that very[...]
How Did Poison Ivy Meet Harley Quinn? Read DC Love Is A Battlefield
I'm working with an amazing artist to tell a really wonderful story, but I don't think I'm allowed to spill the details yet!" But it seems that he may never be able to spill them as he's not on the final creative list below; But those who are now included are Oscar winner John Ridley, Christos[...]
What Scares You? Talking Horror With Image Comics at NYCC
Maxwell Prince, Pornsak Pichetshote, and David F Walker, it was as thoughtful a presentation as anyone could have hoped for, especially considering it was one of the last panels of the day. Image's horror-themed panel wasn't one of shocking revelations, as it mainly consisted of the creators simply telling the audience about what books they'd been[...]
Infidel #5 cover by Aaron Campbell
Pornsak Pichetshote finishes the story off with confidence and painful admissions about the state of our world Plus, Campbell and Villarrubia make sure the book finishes in artistic style This one gets a final recommendation Give it a read. [rwp-review-ratings id="0"] [rwp-review-form id="0"] [rwp-review-recap id="0"] We see what really happened that night in the apartment and what caused[...]
Top and Bottom 5 Comics of June 20th, 2018: Spider-Man Genuinely Goes Down Swinging
Infidel #4 Infidel continued its streak of unnerving and disturbing this week with a well-handled lead character shift as well as further creature feature and genuine emotional engagement thanks to Pornsak Pichetshote and Aaron Campbell Days of Hate #6 cover by Danijel Zezelj 5 Days of Hate #6 This series has had its ups and downs, but this week was able to justify[...]
Infidel #4 cover by Aaron Campbell
Pornsak Pichetshote, Aaron Campbell, and Jose Villarrubia have made something both in tune with the current sociopolitical climate and impossible to put down once you start reading The writing is brilliant, the art is incredible, and the comic deserves a strong recommendation Give it a read. [rwp-review-ratings id="0"] [rwp-review-form id="0"] [rwp-review-recap id="0"] Aisha is still in comatose, and[...]
Infidel #2 cover by Aaron Campbell and Jose Villarrubia
Pornsak Pichetshote's writing continues to be endlessly absorbing, and Campbell and Villarrubia's artwork crafts a world unlike any other This comic earns another strong recommendation Give it a read and don't miss out. [rwp-review-ratings id="0"] [rwp-review-form id="0"] [rwp-review-recap id="0"] In light of the incident with Leslie, Aisha has gone to her doctor and received a prescription for a[...]
comic book wins losses 3-14-18
Thankfully, the fun returns in this book, and we get to see an army of Green Lanterns challenging the Zod family, brought to life by Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey's incredible work. Infidel #1 cover by Aaron Campbell and Jose Villarrubia Win: Infidel #1 Achieves Beautiful Social Horror Pornsak Pichetshote made his writing debut this past week with Infidel #1. It's a tense[...]
Infidel #1 cover by Aaron Campbell and Jose Villarrubia
Pornsak Pichetshote makes a brilliant writing debut with this book Infidel #1 comes highly recommended Give it a read. [rwp-review-ratings id="0"] [rwp-review-form id="0"] [rwp-review-recap id="0"] Aisha is an American Muslim living with her husband, step-daughter, and mother-in-law in an apartment building in New York Aisha trusts her mother-in-law, Leslie, but Aisha's husband isn't convinced that his mother has[...]
Numbercrunching DC June 2011 Solicitations
Pornsak Pichetshote writing Flashpoint: Green Arrow Industries Jonathan Vankin writing Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search Sean Ryan writing Flashpoint: Grodd Of War and Adam Schlagman writing Flashpoint: Abin Sur, The Green Lantern. CB continues to tweet "editors hiring other editors to write comics is a big part of what killed Marvel in the '90s and we[...]
Saturday FearPoint ItselFlash
And look, Canterbury Cricket and Reverse Flash as Bleeding Cooled previously… no Britannia though, I wonder what that would have been? Also note ex-editors Mike Carlin and Pornsak Pichetshote get writing gigs Is that what you call  payment in lieu? Africa belongs to him! FLASHPOINT: GRODD OF WAR #1 Cover: Francis Manapul Writer: Sean Ryan Art: Ig Guara He's more powerful than[...]