The Alters Archives

The Alters Releases New Fourth Wall-Breaking Gameplay Trailer
11 Bit Studios dropped a brand new trailer today for The Alters, as they have decided to break the fourth wall with an interesting concept The trailer takes an interesting turn as it poses the question: What if the alters played the game themselves? So they have created a trailer dedicated to the many personalities[...]
Learning To Love Myselves: We Previewed The Alters
11 Bit Studios have once again pushed back the release of The Alters, as the game currently doesn't have a set release date The team released a cheeky letter in character, which we have for you below, basically saying that they can no longer fulfill the game in Q1 2025 The official word is that they[...]
Learning To Love Myselves: We Previewed The Alters
11 Bit Studios announced this morning that they have pushed the release date of The Alters back, as the game will now come out sometime in Q1 2025 The team sent out the notice you see below, as it sounds like they were aiming to have it out before the end of the year in[...]
Learning To Love Myselves: We Previewed The Alters
Indie game developer and publisher 11 Bit Studios have released a new trailer for The Alters as they look into the possibilities of life The "What If" trailer explores all of the options in front of the main protagonist as he looks at how his life may have panned out had he made simple choices[...]
Learning To Love Myselves: We Previewed The Alters
Two years ago, 11 Bit Studios revealed their latest sci-fi game on the way, as we were shown the first trailer for The Alters The game reminded me a lot about the film Moon, but with a far more satirical and survival approach, as it showed us a ship full of clones of the same[...]
The Alters Releases New Character Introduction Trailer
Indie game developer and publisher 11 Bit Studios released a new trailer this morning for The Alters, giving you a proper character introduction To be more specific, you're getting introduced to you, yourself, and themselves, as the game introduces you to all of the different versions of the main character The mechanics of the game,[...]
The Alters Receives Brand-New Short Teaser Trailer
11 Bit Studios released a new teaser trailer for The Alters this week, but it really didn't reveal much of anything about the game or its release The 30-second trailer, which you can check out at the bottom, basically poses a question to the main character about the decisions an individual can make But it[...]