Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: a plus x, all new x-men, All Star Western, Comics, dark horse, dc, fatale, ff, flash, image, lot 13, marvel, my little pony, prophet, ripd, superman, teen titans, thor
Fifteen Thoughts About Fifteen Comics – All New X-Men, Flash, Prophet, Fatale, RIPD, Before Watchmen (x2), All Star Western, My Little Pony, Superman, Teen Titans, A Plus X, FF, Lot 13 And Thor,
It's Wednesday! We got comics! But what comics?
Prophet breaks my heart on a regular basis. Now it does it with the memory of a character I never cared for, facing up to the issues of living so long. The paralls are clear…
Angouleme-listed Fatale also loves a little parallel in this scene of sex and violence, equally posed with the participants in different positions… and temperaments. This is the kind of thing that would seem horribly forced in a cinematic jump cut, here in comics it works like a dream.
How the Cuban Missile Crisis came to an end, with the Soviet ships turning around never really made sense to me. X-Men Final Crisis was more realistic than the official version… as is that JFK sought advice from Ozymandias. Though the scene of Ozy looking into JFK's death is probably my favourite of the comic to date.
The best moments in Silk Spectre, I think, have been the smaller notes, panel to panel transistions that hardly change, except in the most important ways. The body language is beautiful here.
Whereas, yes, all speed forces Gorillas need to wear a cape. It looks great on him. The combination of super speed from such an ungainly form does make this quite a bizarre and entertaining book to read, and we continue to get the second most artistically innovative DC book on the stands in The Flash.
While Jonah Hex just gives us spectacular budydy moment like this one. There is no way in any narrative world these two should still be hanging around each other, but aren;t you glad, in All Star Western, that they are?
Blimey! I thought this was a little kids book? Seriously, that is one freaky looking pony.
Booty call? Really, Superman?
Awkward indeed. In Teen Titans, Scott Lobdell continues his journey into youthspeak.
While Peter David makes mockery of the Marvel booth at San Diego this year in A Plus X.
The RIPD looks like, well, the Natural History Museum in London, quite a bit. What if the office in your afterlife looked like this?
Superhero who lost his kid? Yeah, let's ask him to look after a bunch of other kids. No one can have a problem with that, can they? Mr Fantastically Sensitive there. A rather serious moment in a book that often plays it up for laughs throughout wth Allred often choosing a cartoony style. Didn't see it coming…
Lot 13 gives us an interesting first person perspective shot. You know, when your eye has been removed, leaving a socket that still seems to function…
Early Thor really wants that Mjlonir. But why did I feel this was a precursor to some product placement, where he gets to pick up the hammer but only after using deodorant/eating three items fo a breakfast cereal/drinking some alcohol (in moderation)?
Okay, in many ways All New X-Men #2 should have been #1. It's great. A beautiful book with some wonderful little asides (Jean Grey's tears here) and it's a proper clash of cultures with the past smashing into the future with all sorts of results. Things happen, people react, the world changes, rather than the preamble of issue one, which was kind of a "tch, kids these days". Here we get the main players doing all sorts of… main playery things.
I mean that just looks so good, doesn't it? I wasnl't expecting this to be my favourite book of the week but it is. Marvellous.
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London.