Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, IDW, Image, Marvel Comics, Valiant | Tagged: aftershock, ales kot, animosity, black panther, brian michael bendis, charles soule, dan abnett, daredevil, dark knights: metal, David F. Walker, days of hate, dc comics, Doomsday Clock, ethan van sciver, garth ennis, gary frank, geoff johns, hal jordan and the green lantern corps, HRL, idw publishing, image comics, ivan reis, jeff lemire, Jessica Jones, Jimmy's Bastards, leonard kirk, Marguerite Bennett, Marvel Comics, mera: queen of atlantis, Michael Gaydos, mike perkins, planet of the apes: ursus, Redneck, robert venditti, ron garney, saga, shadowman, superheroes, Ta-Nehisi Coates, the crow, the crow memento mori, valiant entertainment, x-o manowar
Comics for Your Pull Box, Week of March 28th, 2018: Dark Doomsday Metal Clock
It's time for the Comics for Your Pull Box! We actually have a pretty packed lineup this week, so let's go ahead and get started.
Animosity #13
Marguerite Bennett and Rafael de Latorre's Animosity has been on of AfterShock's best series since it started. The current arc is rising to a fever pitch as the farmers, the hive, and the sins of Sandor's past colliding all at once. This is a series certainly worthy of your pull box.
Jimmy's Bastards #7
Garth Ennis's tasteless take on James Bond asks the question, what if James Bond behaved like that in real life? For example, what if he actually shagged all those women and started racking up the abandoned offspring? This series is starting its final arc, and it's as good a time as any to hop on.
Abbot #3
Saladin Ahmed's racially charged Detroit-based detective series has its problems, but it's been an interesting ride and is certainly worth giving a try.
Planet of the Apes: Ursus #3
David F. Walker has presented a great take on the classic Planet of the Apes villain so far, and it's sure to get better from here. This comic is worthy of your pull box for sure.
Dark Knights: Metal #6
Dark Nights: Metal is finally coming to an end with its sixth issue. This is the final showdown between the Justice League and the forces of the Dark Multiverse. It took me a while to warm up to this series, but it has its claws in me now. This one should be in your pull box for sure.
Demon: Hell is Earth #5
This revival of DC's resident Demon has been a largely enjoyable romp of Etrigan being an outright ass to everyone around him. It's also had him brutally tearing through demonic hordes. Andrew Constant and Brad Walker have done a damn fine job with this mini.
Batman: Detective Comics #977
James Tynion IV has been doing some incredible work with Detective Comics, and this last arc has torn apart Batman's circle of allies and pitted them against one another. Who will survive? Will anyone still trust the Dark Knight? Choosing the best Batman series is a lot harder than one would think considering we're living in the era of Tom King Batman and Tynion's Detective Comics.
Doomsday Clock #4
My personal feelings have certainly been mixed about Geoff Johns's sequel to Watchmen. Despite that, it's difficult to claim that this isn't at least an ambitious undertaking. As such, it's difficult to ward anyone away from this book. Plus, Gary Frank's art is incredible.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #41
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps has been pitting the Green Lantern Corps against General Zod and his Kryptonian family. Needless to say, things aren't going well for the GL's. Robert Venditti has continued to keep this series fast-moving and fun, and Ethan van Sciver returns to contribute his talent to this issue.
Mera: Queen of Atlantis #2
While the first issue had its problems, Dan Abnett has still written some fantastic Mera material in Aquaman, and there is still a lot of promise in this series. Plus, Ocean Master is easily one of DC's greatest rogues. Hopefully, it will only get better from here.
Terrifics #2
Jeff Lemire and Ivan Reis put their best foot forward with Terrifics #1, and my excitement for this series continues to be high. With a team like Mister Terrific, Metamorpho, Plastic Man, and Phantom Girl, the series has to be good, or, at the very least, worth trying out.
Crow: Memento Mori #1
The Crow returns in this new series set in Rome. This time, the protagonist, David, must avenge the murder of his girlfriend at the hands of terrorists. It's worth seeing how this new iteration shapes up.
Highest House #2
The first issue of Mike Carey and Peter Gross's new mini had a very engrossing start, and the ending promised an interesting continuation from there. A young slave may be knocking on the door of divinity under the tutelage of a mysterious magister. This may yet be one of the most interesting fantasy books of the moment.
Days of Hate #3
Ales Kot and Danijel Zezelj have put out one of the angriest and most contentious books in recent memory, and it's only getting more ambitious with each issue. This is one you need in your pull box.
Redneck #11
Family revelations are on the menu in this installment of Donny Cates and Lisandro Estherren's southern gothic vampire series. Cates has made some waves in Marvel lately, but he's been rocking this one long before his take on Doctor Strange and Thanos.
Saga #50
Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples's beloved sci-fi/fantasy series reaches its landmark 50th issue. Hazel and her family take a trip to a new world in this issue, and its sure to be a worthwhile read.
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #16
Peter David and Will Sliney's take on the Peter Parker clone intersects with the Las Vegas-centered Doctor Strange: Damnation. This means he will be fighting demons and the forces of Hell. Thankfully, the cover indicates that the far superior Scarlet Spider, Kaine, will be joining the fight.
Black Panther #171
After receiving the shocking revelation of the identity of Ras the Exhorter, T'Challa is going to be squaring off with the Klaw at last. Plus, the Originators are finally making their return. Ta-Nehisi Coates is nearing the end of this Black Panther run, so the story should start be really exciting. Leonard Kirk is delivering the art on this one, so it will definitely look good.
Daredevil #600
The climax to 'Mayor Fisk' arrives with the highly anticipated 600th issue of Daredevil. This promises a standoff between Daredevil, his allies, the forces of Kingpin, and the violent Muse. Charles Soule and Ron Garney have done some phenomenal work with this title, and the 600th issue has the potential to be the best installment yet. Plus, Mike Perkins will be applying his legendary talent to this book.
Jessica Jones #18
This is it: Brian Michael Bendis's final issue on Jessica Jones. With one final story to tell from the team of Bendis and Michael Gaydos, this should be a special installment of the beloved series.
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #18
The spinoff to Kieron Gillen's Darth Vader series, the character of Doctor Aphra has proven more than capable of carrying her own series. Aphra has been blackmailed to work for her old partner, Triple-Zero. This has led her to infiltrating the Rebellion. With her pension for causing trouble, this should be a great read.
Bloodborne #2
Ales Kot and Piotr Kowalski presented an atmospheric and absorbing entry with Bloodborne #1, diving into some of the deepest questions from the game. As a fan of the video game, I greatly look forward to the next installment.
Factory #1
A sci-fi dystopian story set on a distant planet, the last surviving members of the planet search for the Factory, the last standing vestige of civilization. It promises to be a mixture of Mad Max and Fallout, and the cover certainly looks promising. This one may be worth keeping an eye on.
Shadowman #1
Valiant's Shadowman returns under the creative team of Andy Diggle and Stephen Segovia. The mystic and mysterious hero returns from exile after giving into the murderous urges lying within. Will he be playing the hero? Or, will his bloodlust take over once again?
X-O Manowar #13
Aric has been betrayed. Many of his friends lay dead before him, killed by the bounty hunters who kidnapped Aric not long before. He has the Manowar armor back, though. Aric's vengeance is coming, and pity those who stand in his way. Matt Kindt has made this easily one of Valiant's best titles, and the finale to this arc should be a lot of fun.
And that's it for this week! As always, expect reviews for most, if not all, of these later in the week!