Posted in: Corvis Belli, Games, Miniatures, Tabletop | Tagged: Aristeia!, Corvus Belli, infinity
'Infinity' Releases for July: New Speculo Killer and More from Corvus Belli
Corvus Belli just released a bunch of images for their July releases for their Infinity and Aristeia! miniatures games, and I personally think they look fantastic, despite some online grumbling about one of them. Let's take a look at all the greatness coming our way from Spain at the end of next month!
Infinity Meets Robotech with the Zondnautica
Zondnauts get on their AI Motorcycles and chase after trouble at full throttle, and only get off if they see they are outnumbered or outgunned when they catch their prey. In those situations, to their opponents' dismay, the AI Motorcycle turns into an auxiliary tactical combat unit.
The Zondnautica reminds me an awful lot of a cross between the motorcycle from Akira and the Cyclone motorcycle from Robotech. Regardless, it's an amazing looking model and I can't wait to paint it up!
The Speculo Killer Should Smile… Less
Speculo Killers are the pinnacle of Shasvastii ingenuity applied to infiltration. The Shasvastii Continuum has designed the perfect spies and assassins. Advanced genetic growth therapies allow them to transform a baseline generic biosynthetic body into a near-perfect replica of the target being impersonated.
I'm seeing a lot of complaints online about the new Speculo Killer, but I don't agree with most of the criticism. The "tactical rock" can easily be replaced with something else, and that Blade 2 style mouth is pure nightmare fuel. As with all Infinity miniatures, I'll save any criticism for when I get this on my paint table!
Aleph Brings More Bots with the Arjuna Unit
The Arjuna will take advantage of their enhanced movement capacity, their mimetic skills, and their instant connection with their KiranBots to get as close as possible to their opponents to cancel out their advantage. They know that engaging in long range combat while being outnumbered decreases their control of the situation.
I've never been a big Aleph fan, but the new Varuna models have been pretty cool, especially with the more robotic look of the units. You'll get a full set of four Arjuna troopers in this boxed set, which will make should compliment any Aleph army nicely!
The Kriigel Agent is One Fierce Artichoke
The job of the Kriigel Agents is to serve as an itinerant support unit to the few regional police forces located in the border areas of the Colonies. This means long journeys through uninhabited territories chasing criminals, traffickers, highway robbers, and symbio-slavers—the worst scum of society that inhabit those lawless lands that barely belong to the Colonies. It's hard work, demanding and lonely.
The Kriigel agent is certainly a welcome addition to Infinity players who like to play Tohaa… they'll definitely be inflicting their love of the number 3 on all of us when this figure drops in July.
Irmandinhos Shoots What She Can't Fix
An Irmandinho will buy or sell anything, that much is known: if it's broken, she'll fix it; if he can't fix it, she'll use it to bash someone's head in.
The Irmandinho is equipped with a boarding shot gun, and has the engineer skill, so we'll be seeing her pop up in a lot of Ariadna armies in Infinity.
Laxmee Brings the Pain to the HexaDome!
The source of inspiration for the Laxmee Laibon Shaman miniature comes from her strong African background. Moreover, we decided that Laxmee's powers work just like those of a Masai shaman.
All of these miniatures are available for pre-order from your favorite game store now, and will be released in the last week of July!