Posted in: Card Games, Games, Magic: The Gathering, Tabletop, Wizards of the Coast | Tagged: Brawl, card games, commander, EDH, magic, Magic: The Gathering, MagiKids, MTG, Oathbreaker, OBK, Tabletop, WeirdCards, wizards of the coast, WotC
"Arlinn Kord" Deck Tech – "Magic: The Gathering"
Hello friends! It's that time again, where we at Bleeding Cool aim to fill you with fright and delight, make you feel spooketh and shooketh, and provide you with fears and cheers. It's Oathtober, so we are giving you a ton of Oathbreaker deck techs fo Magic: The Gathering! Oathbreaker is a format started by the WeirdCards Charitable Club and is so very fun! We've given you the devilishly fun Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded, hobnobbed a bit with the vampiric Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, and delved into the darkness with Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage. How ghoulish!
This article, we will be discussing Arlinn Kord, the Innistradi Werewolf Planeswalker. The deck is a Gruul (red/green) aggro deck filled with – you guessed it – Werewolves (with some mundane Wolves for support). Credit goes to Cameron Cosby for his take on Arlinn Kord with Moonmist as the Signature Spell, with a few adaptations made by me.
The full decklist to be discussed in this article is here.
Notable Inclusions
Mayor of Avabruck – this is a veritable "Lord"-style creature for Wolves and Werewolves, of which all creatures in this deck qualify!
Kruin Outlaw/Terror of Kruin Pass – This Werewolf makes Kessig Prowler's flipside, Sinuous Predator, unblockable while transformed. This is very strong in a 20-life format like Oathbreaker.
Immerwolf – This key card is in this deck to keep Werewolves on the stronger side. This does beg the question, though: If a Werewolf can't transform back, is it really a Werewolf?
Huntmaster of the Fells and Ulrich of the Krallenhorde – Both of these cards are good removal and provide plenty of upside otherwise. There's a good reason that these creatures are mythic rares in their respective sets, honestly. Huntmaster saw play all over when the original Innistrad block was playable in the Standard format, and Ulrich is just really strong.
Rhythm of the Wild – This card allows your Werewolves to be uncounterable and hasty, but you're even better off generally giving them the +1/+1 counter than giving them haste most of the time, just because they're normally a bit too weak to be on the offensive before they transform.
I haven't gotten a chance to test this deck out myself, but Cameron has. I recommend you contact him for information on the deck and how it plays – his TappedOut name is KSP_Lord, and his Archidekt handle is TreefolkHugger – a big shout-out to him for helping me out with this deck tech by lending me the use of his list.
What do you think? Is this list viable in the cutthroat world of Oathbreaker? Let us know!