Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adventure time, all new x-men, amazing spider-man, Avengers x3, batgirl, batman eternal, Batman Vs. Bane, Battlestar Galactica x2, chew, Clockwork Angels, Comics, Darklight, dc, Deadly Class, Dexter's Lab, doc savage, Dream Police, entertainment, garfield, ghostbusters, gi joe, green lantern, grimm, Hacktivist, hulk, image, judge dredd, loki, marvel, my little pony, origin II, rai, shadowman, silver surfer, Southern Bastards, tales of honor, transformers, V-Wars, wolverine, x-files
38 Thoughts About 38 Comics – Green Lantern, Chew, Deadly Class, Dream Police, Avengers x3, Hulk, Batgirl, Batman Vs. Bane, Silver Surfer, Origin II, All-New X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, Batman Eternal, GI Joe, Wolverine, Darklight, Battlestar Galactica x2, Ghostbusters, Judge Dredd, Garfield, My Little Pony, Southern Bastards, X-Files, V-Wars, Transformers, Dexter's Lab, Tales Of Honor, Doc Savage, Grimm, Rai, Shadowman, Adventure Time, Clockwork Angels, Hacktivist And Loki
So what exactly is DC Comics President Diane Nelson's attitude to the issues behind the move of DC Comics from New York to Burbank? And can it be summed up in a couple of out of context panels from today's Green Lantern Annual? Why, yes, I do believe it can.
And thus, everything is explained.
That's right, folks, look to the right, Chew has a "fudge packer"…
In Deadly Class, this is drugs, this is your friend, this is your friend on drugs. And you as well, obviously.
Dream Police #1 makes an inconvenience out of the rather wonderful. Because wonderful does generally upset the status quo rather. And punishes the creative. While Avenger AI's finale also gets a little metaphysical….
And that's how all wars are started, I believe. Or at least, that used to be the usual excuse. Doesn't wash so much these days.
All the Avengers books tie up today – you've got a year left of Jonathan Hickman, use him wisely. Anyway, Captain Universe in Avengers World, you break the world, you bought it.
Yes, Tony, you did. Exposed in Avengers under the inciteful analysis and interrogation of Bruce Banner. How's he doing in his own book?
Not so well. Unless Hulk is now working in the seventies TV series continuity.
G.I. Joe #15 gives us a wonderful view of the advantages of child warfare.
Paul Cornell continues to explore the impact of Wolverine losing his healing factor. By getting a tattoo. An inspiration to all children there, including his own. What parental love shown…
Touched a nerve there I think, in Batgirl Annual however. Bane has his own take in Batman Vs Bane.
Those Batfolk don't have a lot of luck with mummies and daddies, do they? Even Stephanie Brown has problems in Batman Eternal.
This is your Stephanie Brown watch of the week. Stephanie Brown appears in a comic today….
Silver Surfer shows us the most obvious use for a silver surfboard that can coast the intergalactic solar streams, for a teenage woman out and about.
Can we just congratulate all involved for some expert panel to panel storytelling there in Origin II? Everything you need to know, so sparsely told, and making such an impact. It's not so much what you show as what you don't. A striptease of a comic.
Kitty Pryde making sure there are no Operation Yewtree-style shenanigans going on in All New X-Men.
Looks like she might be needed to pop by Darklight as well.
And Battlestar Galactica values Xam's magic touch… there really is too much of this sort of thing going round.
Amazing Spider-Man #1 stating very clearly that the Marvel Universe is only around eight or nine years old now. Unless of course Mr Fantastic invented YouTube early after he got back from space.
That's the mistake George Lucas never made on Star Wars. In-Ghostbusters-universe, ever kid will want an Egon and a Slimer of their own…
From Mega-City Two #4, just how long do you think that the Judge Dredd that you or I know would allow these abominations to live?
Though Garfield Pet Force 2014 might make for a bit more of an even fight.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? Except when it's your evil alternate self. Then, not so much with the friendship.
Southern Bastards takes time out for lunch. A very southern lunch. In fact, where's my passport?
X-Files #11 gives us a choice between international incidents and lunch. But what if you could do it simultaneously?
You know, that's what I don;t understand about V-Wars. Isn't it more effective to just fund the political candidates to get what you want instead? I mean, oil companies get away with far more than vampires ever would… Any other political views for comparison?
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye gets rather Tea Party when it comes to Megatron. To be fair, they do have a point when it comes to genocidal giant robots.
Dexter's Lab shows you the importance of not going to dance recitals. And I'm sure my eldest daughter will use this as evidence at some point later today.
Tales Of Honor #2 continues its battle for gender equality by showing that women can read maps perfectly well, but only in three dimensions.
Doc Savage gives us all the Nazis In Space you will ever need. The opposite of Ministry In Space, with some rather nice art alongside….
Grimm sees at least one character join the perspective of everyone else reading comic books.
Battlestar Galactica: Six sees Six out of her red dress… but not in the way most BSG fans would like.
Rai #1 tells us the future of… well, James Bond it seems. Can't you hear the music playing?
Shadowman End Times #1 gives us plenty of dox and wanga jokes.
Adventure Time Annual 2014 tells you all you need to know about going through puperty. Not sure if it's the face you need to be rubbing, though….
Well, in Clockwork Angels #2, there's a woman who's clearly been rubbing herself as well.
I understand, Hacktivist. I'd be angry if someone had my smartphone as well. We're clearly not alone, either, phone rage is becoming a real problem in our society. They are objects of worship…
And Loki: Ragnarok And Roll knows it too. In fact I'm going to start following him now…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, who will be presenting a live Orbital podcast event on Saturday for Free Comic Book Day, from 3pm to 7pm, with plenty of surprise comic creator guests!