Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: and Winona Ryder, avengers, Baltimore Lauren, barbara gordon, Barzinga, batgirl, Batman, cage, captain america, cgc, charlie cox, Civil War II: Kingpin, daredevil, dexter, ed mcguinness, evangeline lilly, hulk, james remar, Jennifer Carpenter, joe jusko, Joshua Williamson, Jusko, justice league of america, Justice League vs Suicide Squad, Kingpin, luke cage, marvel, michael c. hall, Mike Coulter, millie bobby brown, nichelle nichols, Nicholas Meyer, orphan black, Rich Henn, steve orlando, stranger things, tatiana maslany, terry dodson, the amazing spider-man, The Wrath of Khan, Tim Sale, uncanny avengers, unstoppable wasp, vincent d'onofrio, william shatner
Barzinga Episode 2: Batbeer!
In today's episode, BL and Henn talk about the CGC Signature Series, the best way to preserve your signed comics and magazines.
Today's question is: List everyone who has ever been Batgirl in the comic series (all 70+ years of it)! Hint: Barbara Gordon isn't the only one to wear that cowl.
If you're not familiar with CGC, let me give you a quick background! CGC is a third party grading service that will grade your comics for a fee. The grades can range anywhere between poor-mint condition. In the case of the signature series line, they will grade and encase a book after it's been signed. However, you need a CGC witness to watch these books get signed, that way they can verify that the signature is real.Signature Series books are sometimes worth more than an unsigned book, but that's a different topic for a different day.
Interested in getting your books CGC Sig Series graded? You can reach Rich here:
You can also follow his SS pre-sale threads over at the CGC boards by clicking on any of the images below:
February's presale thread includes Nicholas Meyer on The Wrath of Khan #1 (with optional William Shatner), various other Meyer Treks (w/ opt Shatner & Nichelle Nichols), Marvel's Dexter #1 with Michael C. Hall (opt Jennifer Carpenter & James Remar), CAGE! #1 with Mike Coulter, Uncanny Avengers #8 & Unstoppable Wasp #1 with Evangeline Lilly, some Stranger Things with Millie Bobby Brown (opt extra kids, and Winona Ryder), and more:
There's a special Tatiana Maslany Orphan Black (various issues / covers) opportunity:
January's thread (check for availability) had Justice League VS Suicide Squad #1 (Joshua Williamson & Terry Dodson), various Kingpin #1 and Civil War II: Kingpin #1 issues with Vincent D'Onofrio sigs (with the possibility of Charlie Cox & creators on some), some Marvel Joe Jusko corner box variants (Avengers, Daredevil, The Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America: Steve Rogers), Justice League of America #1 (Steve Orlando), HULK #1 (Ed McGuinness), etc…
Any other questions? You can find Baltimore Lauren on Twitter @BaltimoreLauren