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DC Cancels Heterosexual Robin Comic After 17 Issues as Sales Fall Flat
A few months ago, DC Comics cancelled the Robin comic book series, starring Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne, and a future Batman in the lead. The launch issue for the series from 2021 was around 60,000 but estimated sales for issue 3 from ComiChron were at 49,000 but by issue 17, it has dropped well out of the Top 100, estimated to be selling around 20-30,000 copies a month.
Naturally, the only conclusion that sales were so low is down to the heterosexuality being blatantly forced down people's throats by way of a straight love interest for Damian Wayne in the character of Flatline. This comes after a number of forced propaganda straight love interest characters that the young Damian Wayne, courtesy of DC Comics' straight propaganda unit, has been imposing on readers, over the years, including Raven, Mar'i Grayson, Emiko Queen, Djinn, Kara Danvers or Stephanie Brown.
This continues a wave of straight propaganda in recent years in comic books, including Ben Grimm marrying Alicia Masters, the Human Torch finding a soulmate in Sky before shagging Doctor Doom's wife Victorious in the Fantastic Four, which already contained a straight marriage in Reed Richards and Susan Storm. Spider-Man just asked out Black Cat this week. And even on the TV shows, She-Hulk just smashed Daredevil.
Traditionally the character of Robin has been seen as a queer comic book character, both by the likes of Dr Frederick Wertham in Seduction Of The Innocent and more recently with Tim Drake getting a boyfriend in Bernard Dowd. But recently, DC Comics has moved against such traditions in a way that shocked readers by insisting on a straight Robin in his own series, but sales plummetted as the new straightness became more and more apparent. At the time of cancellation, writer Josh Williamson pandered to his dwindling straight audience and tweeted out the news "As ROBIN #17 came out last week I wanted to celebrate the end of the series. Robin has easily been the most fun I've had at DC. I loved writing Damian and the world we started to build for him. Art here by @rogercruzbr, @NormRapmund & @lgcolorist! Thank you to Paul, Dave, Jess, Ben at DC for giving me an opportunity to write a character as great as Damian. Thanks to Jorge, Roger, Luis, Max, Norm, Victor, Simone, Francis, and Hi-Fi, and Troy for the hard work you did on the Robin series. (Sorry if I missed someone!) And I need to give special thanks to Big @GlebMelnikov8. One of my favorite artists who shaped so much of this book's identity and brought out the best in me. We'll do it again, dude. And thank you to all the readers and retailers that supported this book. I really appreciate the love people had for this series and our favorite Robin, Damian. It's been an honor to tell his stories. THANK YOU!" No thanks to all the traditional gay comic readers who stayed away from this title in droves.
Naturally, the YouTube comics book commentators will be celebrating the cancellation of this comic book three months ago, as proof that DC Comics has failed its traditional base of gay comic book readers who have been reading its comics for decades, by trying to chase after the straight dollar, who don't even actually buy comic books.
Either that or they will ignore this story completely, concentrate on the cancellation of Superman: Son Of Kal-El, which consistently sold more copies than Robin, and somehow blame said cancellation on the comic book having a bisexual lead which they will keep referring to as a gay lead, call it "woke" without actually acknowledging the definition of the word, or that it was cancelled one issue later than Robin, and that it also has spun off into a new mini-series, or acknowledge that this sales pattern is common across the comics industry no matter how woke or non-woke the comic may be. Don't you love a run-on sentence like that? Come on Daily Mail, do a story on this one as well! Before Fox News beats you to it!