Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: avengers, jacen burrows, jake lockley, khonshu, Marc Spector, Marvel Comics, marvel legacy, max bemis, moon knight, ra, steven grant, the truth
Moon Knight #189 Review: The Truth Does Hurt After All
A train his hijacked by a mysterious individual going by the moniker, the Truth. If that's not bad enough, the self-proclaimed avatar of Ra is making moves across the city.
Marc Spector goes through a successful day as Steven Grant before seeing the news story about the Truth's disaster. He subsequently dons the cowl of Moon Knight and goes to confront the rogue.
This comic hit a lot of sweet spots for me. From the get-go, we are presented with a macabre scene of the Truth using his psychic abilities to infect the train engineer with what amounts to terminal nihilism. That said conductor immediately declares "Humanity is perverse. Genocide is the comeuppance we deserve. There is no creator. Undebatable. Love is a contrivance. Undebatable" and finishing off with, "I hate everything. Halle-f***ing-lujah."
That's quite the opening salvo. It only gets better from there, with Khonshu being our POV character, explaining the current status quo of Moon Knight for the uninformed reader. Marc Spector is functionally splitting his life between the Spector personality and Steven Grant. Jake Lockley is buried away until they need him.
It is a bit odd to see an Egyptian god exhibit a tendency for dry humor. Though, if it is just a further expression of Spector's multiple personality disorder, then it might actually make since.
The Truth is an interesting, if drably named, villain and seems like the exact kind of psycho Moon Knight should be pounding on.
Ra's building subplot is simultaneously macabre and oddly charming. Ra is a nice guy so long as you follow through with his wishes. Otherwise, he wills set you on fire.
The fight sequences in the comic are well-portrayed and extremely bloody. As such, I dug the hell out of them. Jacen Burrows' artwork looks fantastic here. It's unnervingly sterile and clean, which contrasts the blood and gore in a clever fashion. Mat Lopes' color art is bright and saturated, also contributing to that entertaining dissonance in visual tone.
Moon Knight #189 follows up on the engaging and slow burn (haha! pun) of the previous issue with an action-heavy and brutal issue with a new villain and a surreal depiction of Marc Spector's current life. It was a great read, and I highly recommend it. Pick it up.