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Obscure Comics: General Mills Presents Batman V Superman #1 & Cereal

Who Wants Comics With Their Cereal?

DC Comics and Warner Brothers did a huge amount of promotional material with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Touching on all possible avenues of cross-promotion, it seems, the movie returned to the comic book promotional days of the '89 Batman and Superman Returns but exceeded that with comic book tie-ins put, including one from Walmart & Doritos and several from Dr. Pepper. On top of that, though, DC Comics again teamed up with General Mills cereal to create four additional Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice comics.

Cereal Boxes Including The Comics
Cereal Boxes Including The Comics

Unlike Marvel's team up with Post Cereal, these four books were physically printed, measured 7 inches by 5 inches, and were included inside General Mills Cereal boxes, where buyers could find one random issue per box.

Obscure Comics: General Mills Presents Batman V Superman #1 & Cereal
All 4 Comics Sealed

Created by several notable comic book professionals, each comic sported a brand new cover by Gary Frank and was sealed so that the cereal wouldn't ruin it.

Obscure Comics: General Mills Presents Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice #1: Playground Heroes

This prequel comic was written by Jeff Parker (best known for a large breadth of work on many different books, including Batman '66 and Agents of Atlas) and drawn by R.B. Silva (Superboy and Powers of X).  Taking place in the DC Extended Universe, after Man of Steel and before Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, this comic focuses solely on Superman, Metropolis, and two kids Jacob and Lucas.

Lucas is the new kid in Metropolis, while his neighbor Jacob is very focused on the school trip to Star Labs so that even when Lucas is bullied, Jacob doesn't involve himself.  Going along, and hoping to use it as a writing exercise, Jacob and the other students are chaperoned by Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent to see public use of Star Labs' new Tachyon Transporter that allows non-organic materials to be transported long distances.

However, once activated, everyone present discovers that the scientist operating the transporter is under the mental control of alien invaders. Three members of the Ko'Erst race announce their intentions to keep the transporter open so that more of their kind can arrive and terraform the planet for their species.  The plans are interrupted by Superman, who destroys the Tachyon Transporter and then subdues the three aliens.

All of this is witnessed and narrated by Jacob, who then stands up to Lucas's three bullies.  The bullies back off, though, when Superman arrives to return Jacob's journal which he dropped at the Star Labs battle.

Not The Rarest, but Worth A Little Bit

The random inclusion of these prequel comics makes the value tricky, and none of the four comics seem to be rarer, but of the four, this first issue sells for the most, going for anywhere between $5 to $16, with sealed copies going for the most.  Jeff Parker does a great job writing Superman. While the comic is all ages and designed to be very positive and uplifting, that approach to Superman in the DC Extended Universe is needed, and a great read in comparison to the very depressing and dour Superman Zack Snyder gave us in Man of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.  A fun, uplifting read, and obscure based on the fact that many fans remember these "cereal comics" exist but don't know much about them and rarely got to read all four.  Also, General Mills' main promotional push for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice wasn't these comics, but we'll discuss that next time.

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Ian MeltonAbout Ian Melton

Japanese Teacher, Comic Book, Manga, & Anime collector, LCBS worker, father of 2, fan of far too many things for far too long...
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