Comics Archives

Amazing Spider-Man #800: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells His Story [Spoilers]
Amazing Spider-Man #800 was a comic with many epilogues and still an issue to come. But people lived, people died, people came close to dying, in the final 80-page battle between Peter Parker, Spider-Man and Norman Osborn and Carnage, the Red Goblin, across New York (though avoiding the X-Men in Central Park).
Review – Lexcalibur: Useful Poetry for Adventurers Above and Below the World
The talent of Penny Arcade's Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik is pretty undeniable as the two have built a nice geeky empire in the northwest that has spread across the globe and into modern culture. From their webcomic to PAX events to Acquisitions Incorporated, everything they do has a pretty great appeal. So when we got word of a new book they created called Lexcalibur: Useful Poetry for Adventurers Above and Below the World, we had to take a peek inside and see what new creation they had made.
X-Men Red Annual #1 cover by Travis Charest
We go back to when Jean Grey first came back and was reunited with her X-Men companions. The newly resurrected mutant had a lot to catch up on and to settle after her extended absence. Does it make for a good read?
The History of Rob Liefeld and His Pouches
Rob Liefeld has clearly decided that where there is mockery, it is best to roll with it. And if you can, do it yourself. See his participation in the recent Deadpool 2 and its feet comments.