Christa Faust is one of the best crime writers and her focus on marginalized people is important these days. Bad Mother #1 is her first monthly US comic.
Review Archives
Seven Secrets #1 is another crowning achievement from Tom Taylor introduces a wonderful clandestine order and the cost of keeping secrets.
Like a world champion stuck wrestling against jobbers, the Dark Lord of the Sith again struggles when he should shatter in Star Wars: Darth Vader #4.
All around the world, the vegetative forces of the alien race called the Coati are attacking the forces of humanity. Khartoum, DC, Caracas, Manhattan,
REVIEW: Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex #1 delivers stunning art by Rod Reis, who also joins mutant master Jonathan Hickman on story duties.
REVIEW: Lords of Empyre: Celestial Messiah #1 tells the villain's side of the Cotati invasion in the Marvel mega-event, Empyre.
REVIEW: Deadpool #6 sees Wade Wilson travel from the borough formerly known as Staten Island to Krakoa in Kelly Thompson's latest issue.
REVIEW: Funny Creek #1 teams Stout Club up with ComiXology Originals to create a comic about childhood hero worship and innocence lost.
REVIEW: Empyre #4 comes with big character reveals for Hulkling, but how does it play out in a series plagued with character inconsistencies?
REVIEW: Horizon Zero Dawn #1 is for fans of the hit game, but does this new comic from Titan work for new readers as well?
REVIEW: Vampire: The Masquerade #1 sees Hack/Slash creator Tim Seeley return to horror along with Tini Howard, current Spooky Queen of Krakoa.
REVIEW: Black Cat #12. Jed MacKay's ongoing series featuring Felicia Hardy might be coming to a close, but what's next for the character?
Yen Press' The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: The Ways of the Monster Nation Vol. 1 is a manga spinoff of the hugely popular and successful light
Save some space for Phil LaMarr — who also knows something about Black Green Lanterns — to talk about Far Sector #7 at next year’s Eisners.
Just so you can hit the ground running: Felicia Hardy, the "world-renowned jewel thief," doing business as The Black Cat, has broken into the corporate
On the eve of the end of the historic five-year mission, the starship Enterprise returns to a very surprising and pleasant welcome back to Starbase 212 on
Things look gorgeous, no question there but there are so many engaging elements in Strange Adventures #4 that the shortcomings are frustrating.
This is one of the best fantasy comics on the stands, is well worth your time and money, and Reaver #10 picks up the pace.
In the aftermath of the Justice League’s big recent battle with the Perpetual-empowered Legion of Doom, Young Justice and the League stick around to clean
Empyre #4's ratio of spectacle to story is off balance, which makes this a less than gripping read. This should feel like it’s something. It doesn’t.
REVIEW: Sleeping Beauties #1 and #2 from IDW Publishing adapt Stephen King & Owen King's novel into a pandemic comic that hits close to home.
REVIEW: Empyre: Savage Avengers #1 teams Conan up with Venom to wage war against the Cotati vegetative invaders in Mexico City.
REVIEW: Empyre #3. Can this issue and its focus on Black Panther fighting to save the world save Marvel's worst event ever?
REVIEW: Empyre: Captain America #1 narrows the event's global focus to Steve Rogers and a group of soldiers, creating the best Empyre tie-in.
REVIEW: X-Factor #1 brings a team of dynamic mutants together for a compelling reason, but is there time for the characters to shine?
Batman: Gotham Nights #15 likewise remembers that, despite some rather dour subject matter, that comics can be fun.
Just when you think Suicide Squad #7 about to go one way, there’s a surprise that changes up the entire game.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #3 is not an anecdote in the legend that will be recalled as glorious or memorable, just another sad chapter of a lost boy.
REVIEW: Bliss #1. The new comic from the team that brought you Coyotes from Image Comics is starring... Lin-Manuel Miranda!?
REVIEW: Spider-Man: Sins Rising Prelude shows that Nick Spencer still has the energy of that indie creator stormed the comics scene in 2010.