Posted in: Batman, Comics, Comics Publishers, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Venom | Tagged: Batman and the Outsiders, Comics, dc comics, Marvel Comics, the back order list, venom
The Back-Order List 5/27/2020: Venom #25 and Not Much Else
Every week your Local Comic Book shop, hopefully, gets in a weekly assortment of comics, trades, posters, action figures, and other goodies from Diamond. Now some of these goodies sell out fast from your LCBS, so Tuesday and Wednesday LCBS retailers get on the phone (more often the computer) and let Diamond know they need more. Or sometimes they go to unpack those Diamond boxes and find items missing, or too damaged to sell (it does happen), retailers have to let Diamond know. However, the phrase no retailer likes to hear when they go to report those shortages, damages or reorders is: "Sorry that item is on back-order," which means there are no more copies to send out from the Diamond warehouse.
After no new product being in LCBS from Diamond since March 25th, last week brought many stores a return to receiving products from Diamond. That week saw Image, Boom, IDW, Dark Horse, and DC. This week saw a return of the Previews Monthly Catalog with the Marvel Catalog now back inside the magazine and the DC portion now online. More importantly, though, Marvel Comics returned to comic book stores with several titles, creating a mix and match of great sellers and items for the Back-Order List.
Just DC and Marvel This Week…
DC had several titles go on the Back Order List from Diamond though their other distributors might be able to send more copies. Maybe? Batman and the Outsiders #12, both regular and the variant covers are gone. The Jungeuon Yoon variant cover for Flash #753 is no longer available from Diamond. The Green Lantern Season 2 #3 Variant cover from Scott Williams, regular inker but now doing great covers, has disappeared. The Hawkman #23 main cover breaks the trend and is no longer around. And the beautiful Wonder Woman #755 Ian MacDonald variant cover is long gone.
- Batman & The Outsiders #12 Main Cover
- Batman & The Outsiders #12 Variant Cover
- The Flash #753 Variant Cover
- Green Lantern Season 2 #2 Variant Cover
- Hawkman #23 Main Cover
- Wonder Woman #755 Variant Cover
Marvel Dominates With Venom #25
As for other titles on the Back-Order List, Marvel dominated with Star Wars Doctor Aphra returning with a new #1 as the Valentina Remenar variant cover goes on the Back Order List. After that, it was all just Venom #25, Venom #25, and more Venom #25 as almost every cover appears on the Back-Order List. The main cover is gone along with the Mark Bagley cover, the Dave Rapoza variant cover, and the Marco Checchetto cover. The Gerardo Zaffino cover and the Ron Lim summer fun variant cover also no longer available. Finally, last on the list, the all-black variant cover has disappeared from Diamond. Also, LCBS received something they would only get at comic book conventions; the 2020 Retailer Convention Exclusives; variant covers for Doctor Aphra #1 and Venom #25, which are also on the Back-Order List.
- Docter Aphra #1 Valentina Remenar Variant Cover
- Venom #25 Main Cover
- Venom #25 Mark Bagley Cover
- Venom #25 Dave Rapoza Cover
- Venom #25 Marco Checchetto Cover
- Venom #25 Gerardo Zaffino Cover
- Venom #25 Ron Lim Cover
- Venom #25 Black Blank Cover
- Docter Aphra #1 Retailer Summit Variant Cover
- Venom #25 Retailer Convention Cover
So for those able to still go to your LCBS and see any of these "back-order titles" grab them if you want them because Diamond won't likely be sending any more copies of these books.