Posted in: Frontier Developments, Games, Indie Games, Video Games | Tagged: Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, Frontier Developments
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 14 Has Been Released
Frontier Developments has released the latest update for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, as you can play Update 14 today. This isn't necessarily a major update, but it is a significant one as this will be the start of the Thargoids' war against humanity. In case you haven't been following along, they have been at odds for a while now, but this is going to be the point where it actually kicks into high gear. The Thargoid assault will commence with eight enormous anomalies known as Maelstroms, which will be filled with tons of ships when an invasion of a system commences. It will be up to you t figure out what's inside each one as a gas cloud appears when they're approached, containing a puzzle for you to unravel. You can read the finer notes and see the latest trailer below.
"Update 14 brings widespread changes to the way Thargoids behave in Elite Dangerous. With new system states that reflect the ongoing progress of this war, commanders can help shape the fate of each system by repelling the Thargoid invaders – both by fighting them head-on in combat and supporting humanity via less confrontational means. Systems that fall to the Thargoids will undergo visible changes, with star ports and settlements becoming badly damaged or even abandoned.
This moment has been a long time coming. Previously in the ongoing narrative of Elite Dangerous, the controversial figure known as Salvation attempted to activate an anti-xeno weapon called the Proteus Wave against the Thargoids, which backfired and resulted in catastrophic losses. Now, humanity must deal with the dire consequences of this provocation, as locations in the game that players have long considered safe come under intense attack. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 14 also sees the addition of a revamped Thargoid Interceptor known as the Orthrus. Reflecting the changing nature of the Thargoids' strategy as this event begins, this Interceptor doesn't behave like existing ships in the game, and its purpose must be revealed in order for humanity to have a chance at stopping the Thargoid onslaught.