Posted in: Collectibles, Games | Tagged: 2017, angela, baby groot, Build-A-Figure, Darkhawk, drax, Gamora, gotg, groot, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy vol. 2, hasbro, January 2017, Mantis, Marvel Legends, Nebula, nova, rocket, Sam Alexander, star-lord, Titus, vance astro, Yondu
Hasbro Reveals Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Marvel Legends…#WhereIsEveryone?
Last week, Hasbro revealed the figures that will make up the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 wave of Marvel Legends this spring. Probably the most popular figure line on the market (with apologies to the Star Wars Black Series and Mattel's WWE product), myself and everyone else was quite excited to see what they would offer in this wave since they started dropping hints at SDCC in July. The results? A mixed bag.
While there are great looking figures in this wave, including the long-requested Darkhawk and fan-poll winner Angela, there is a lack of figures from the film itself. This includes any of the female characters from the film. No Gamora, no Mantis. Also, hey, Hasbro(!), We still need a Nebula from the first movie! Besides the lack of females, there are two other pretty glaring omissions: Where are Rocket and Baby Groot? Surely they have had images and information on the film for a while now, as figures take up to a year to tool. Plus I also understand that they will more than likely do a second wave of figures later this year. However, despite all of that, the fact remains that this is the wave that will be hitting the shelves close to the film's release, so I would trade another Star Lord and Drax for Rocket, Groot, and any of the missing ladies mentioned before, not to mention Vance Astro (sorry all you classic Guardians fans).
There is quite a bit to like here as well. The Angela figure turned out great. They really nailed the sculpt, and as long as the paint apps turn out OK, she should be a highlight. The wings on Darkhawk are exceptional and they nailed it. Yondu was a glaring omission from the first movie line, and they have rectified that by giving us alternate heads from both films. Lastly, the Sam Alexander Nova is a great sculpt and properly scaled. It looks like they used the same buck as the Miles Morales Spider-Man recently released.
The other curious choice is for the Build-A-Figure. Titus is a cool looking character, but for sure is not one that people were banging down the door to get. I can't see this one burning up the after-market like so many others either. As a seven figure wave, only six will need to be purchased to build him. I worry that Star Lord will warm pegs like the first film version did, especially since you don't need to buy him to get a piece of Titus.
These should be going up for pre-order sometime in January online and in stores in the spring. Get a look down below.
Jeremy Konrad loves Star Wars and collecting action figures. He also watches wrestling. Follow him on Twitter @jeremyohio