Posted in: Card Games, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: Magic: The Gathering, Modern Horizons 2, MTGMH2, wizards of the coast
Magic: The Gathering Modern Horizons 2 Recap For May 28th-29th
Wizards of the Coast's premier trading card game Magic: The Gathering has been printing fantastic cards lately. From a great many powerhouses in Throne of Eldraine all the way to Strixhaven: School of Mages, the designers over at Wizards have been designing hit after hit after hit. This means it's no surprise that Modern Horizons 2, Magic's latest supplemental expansion set, is chock-full of absolutely absurd cards power-wise. Let's take a look at just a few of the cards that were revealed to the public between yesterday and today!
Sanctifier en-Vec
Before we get too into the cool cards from the new set, there is one we would like to address early. That card is Sanctifier en-Vec. The Sanctifier is a Rest in Peace on a comparably-costed body that avoids various forms of major removal and also hoses colors specifically with its ability (and come on; black just got some reasonable forms of enchantment removal for Rest in Peace!). This card is one that probably should not have been printed, in that it stops some colors from viability when it hits the battlefield. And yes, we understand that white needs a buff but this wasn't the way to do it. Oh well – guess it's time to pack more colorless removal in our Chainer deck.
Geyadrone Dihada
The next card we wish to speak on is a really neat throwback to the old Dakkon comics of the 1990's. Geyadrone Dihada was the antagonist of this massive storyline and is finally being represented for the first time in a Magic: The Gathering card. All of her abilities are intrinsically linked to the concept of corruption and control based on that corruption. She's a very strong card as a result and it'll be great to see her on the battlefield, wreaking havoc on some poor hapless mage foolish enough to face her.
Sudden Edict
Sudden Edict is not only a really strong card for what it does, but also is a great card in terms of the lore is calls back to. As can be seen by cards like Krosan Grip or Return to Dust, one particular sword is always being destroyed in some manner by the spell being cast. Sudden Edict continues the trend of affecting Sword of the Meek, the sword in question, but more indirectly as it destroys its wielder. It's kind of awesome to see this sword being thrown around in the way that it is.
Sanctum Weaver
On social media, there's a bit of a contentious discussion as to whether Sanctum Weaver should have been a white card, rather than green. While the general consensus is that it's fine as it is because mana production of this sort is a green mechanic, some people are still sold on the fact that it makes mana based on the number of enchantments out on your side, which has been done by Serra's Sanctum back in the Urza's Saga expansion. Looking further into it, it feels like we'd have to side with the "green" camp here, but we are happy to leave the arguments up to you.
We will be looking into more cards soon! In the meantime, are you enjoying Magic: The Gathering's latest spoilers for Modern Horizons 2? Are there any cards you think we should have mentioned in this recap? Let us know in the comments below!