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Pokémon GO Battle League Season 9: Great League Meta Sept. 2021
GO Battle League Season Nine has begun in Pokémon GO. After playing a few days of this new competition, it seems as if maybe some of these new Galarian releases have impacted the meta. Let's take a look at the meta of Great League, which has a CP limit of 1,500 per Pokémon. Prepare to take your buddies into battle with this guide, breaking down the top species to use in Pokémon GO Great League bouts right now.
The current top 20 species and moves to use in Pokémon GO's Great League are:
- Medicham (powered up with Candy XL): Counter, Ice Punch, Psychic
- Galarian Stunfisk: Mud Shot, Rock Slide, Earthquake
- Azumarill (powered up with Candy XL): Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
- Jellicent: Hex, Bubble Beam, Shadow Ball
- Altaria: Dragon Breath, Sky Attack, Moonblast
- Bastiodon (powered up with Candy XL): Smack Down, Stone Edge, Flamethrower
- Azumarill: Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
- Registeel: Lock On, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon
- Cresselia: Psycho Cut, Grass Knot, Moonblast
- Shadow Machamp: Counter, Cross Chop, Rock Slide
- Purified Sableye (powered up with Candy XL): Shadow Claw, Foul Play, Return
- Swampert: Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Sludge Wave
- Skarmory: Air Slash, Brav Bird, Sky Attack
- Shadow Swampert: Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Sludge Wave
- Defense Forme Deoxys: Counter, Psycho Boost, Thunderbolt
- Cofagrigus: Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Psychic
- Scrafty: Counter, Foul Play, Power-up Punch
- Diggersbly (powered up wit Candy XL): Mud Shot, Fire Punch, Earthquake
- Shadow Abomasnow: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Energy Ball
- Medicham: Counter, Ice Punch, Psychic
Huh! I'm personally surprised to not see Greedent make the list. I'm seeing that little thick squirrel a lot more than I thought I would, and it does not go down without a fight.
Species that have fallen from the Top 20 since last time include:
- Alolan Ninetails: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Politoed: Mud Shot, Water-type Weather Ball, Earthquake
- Regirock: Lock On, Stone Edge, Focus Blast
- Lickitung (powered up with Candy XL): Lick, Body Slam, Power Whip