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Pokémon GO Battle League Season 9: Great Remix Meta Sept. 2021
GO Battle League Season Nine has begun in Pokémon GO. For this first round, there are two Leagues available: Great League and Great League Remix. I broke down the meta for the Great League in Pokémon GO yesterday, so today let's take a look at the meta of Great League Remix. The Great League Remix has a CP limit of 1,500 per Pokémon and bans the Top 20 species most commonly chosen for Great League. Prepare to take your buddies into battle with this guide, breaking down the top species to use in Pokémon GO Great League Remix bouts right now.
The current top 20 species and moves to use in Pokémon GO's Great League Remix are:
- Registeel: Lock On, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon
- Nidoqueen: Poison Jab, Poison Fang, Earth Power
- Regirock: Lock On, Stone Edge, Focus Blast
- Diggersby (powered up with Candy XL): Mud Shot, Fire Punch, Earthquake
- Shadow Nidoqueen: Poison Jab, Poison Fang, Earth Power
- Whiscash: Mud Shot, Mud Bomb, Blizzard
- Cresselia: Psycho Cut, Grass Knot, Moonblast
- Dewgong: Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Water Pulse
- Shadow Machamp: Counter, Cross Chop, Rock Slide
- Shadow Beedrill: Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Drill Run
- Mandibuzz: Snarl, Foul Play, Aerial Ace
- Snowy Forme Castform: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Blizzard
- Purified Wobbuffet: Counter, Return, Mirror Coat
- Mantine: Bubble, Bubble Beam, Ice Beam
- Machamp: Counter, Cross Chop, Rock Slide
- Chansey (powered up with Candy XL): Pound, Psychic, Hyper Beam
- Shadow Abomasnow: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Energy Ball
- Lucario: Counter, Power-up Punch, Shadow Ball
- Froslass: Powder Snow, Avalanche, Shadow Ball
- Alolan Sandslash: Powder Snow, Ice Punch, Bulldoze
Species that were on our previous list of Pokémon GO's Great League Remix Meta that have now slipped from the Top 20 include:
- Lickitung (powered up with Candy XL): Lick, Body Slam, Power Whip
- Rainy Forme Castform: Water Gun, Water-type Weather Ball, Thunder
- Zweilous: Dragon Breath, Body Slam, Dark Pulse
- Abomasnow: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Energy Ball