Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: deerling, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, vulpix
Shiny Kanto Vulpix & Deerling Come To Pokémon GO For Autumn Event
The Fashion Week Event starts tomorrow in Pokémon GO, but Niantic is already looking ahead. Today, the mobile game developer announced a new Autumn-themed event that will celebrate the changing of the seasons by releasing the long-anticipated Shiny Vulpix from Kanto as well as the Unova Pokémon Deerling.
This Autumn event will run from Friday, October 9th at 8 AM to Monday, October 12t at 1 PM, which makes it quite a bit shorter than other recent events. Here's what Pokémon GO's announcement revealed about this upcoming seasonal celebration:
- Shiny Release: It's finally Vulpix! Alolan Vulpix is currently available as a Shiny, but the O.G. fox, that Generation One critter, that classic Fire-type good boy… has been left sparkle-free. Now, Shiny Kanto Vuplix will finally enter the game, which means that Shiny Kanto Ninetails can be unlocked through evolution… and to say that it's one of the best Shinies ever would be an understatement.
- New Release: Deerling, the "Season Pokémon," will be available in its Autumn Form. This means that, as the seasons change, we will continue to get different Deerling forms.
- Features: Berries will be doubly effective in essentially every way. Feeding them to Buddies will get your Buddy's mood up faster and using Pinaps will over double the normal amount of increased Candies.
- Wild Spawns: Oddish (Shiny available), Vulpix (Shiny available), Bayleef, Hoothoot, Sudowoodo (Shiny available), Yanma (Shiny available), Pineo (Shiny available, boosted odds), Zigzagoon (Shiny available), Seedot (Shiny available), Shroomish, Plant Cloak Burmy (Shiny available), and Foongus will appear in the wild in addition to Deerling.
Niantic also teased the next next event with a cryptic message:
"In some parts of the world, the leaves are turning red and the shadows are growing longer! With the transition from a hot summer to a cooler autumn in some places, it looks like there will be a few different Pokémon hatching from Eggs soon. You can look forward to that and other exciting changes from Monday, October 12, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. to Monday, October 19, 2020, at 10:00 p.m. local time.
As the seasons change, it's good to remember to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. It's also the perfect time for self-reflection. Who knows? Maybe you'll realize something new about yourself!"
As details come in, Bleeding Cool will report.