Defeat Shadow Regice in Shadow Raids during the season of Might & Mastery in Pokémon GO using these top Pokémon, attacks, and tips.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go, shiny pokemon
The Unreleased Sinnoh Shinies In Pokémon GO – Part Six
Pokémon from the Sinnoh Region began to debut in Pokémon GO in October of 2018. Now, two more generations have been added to the game (in part, at least) and many Shinies from Sinnoh have been released. Let's take a look at the remaining Sinnoh Shinies that have yet to be released in Pokémon GO.
- Probopass: Okay, it'd obviously be Nosepass that is released in its Shiny form and we would have to evolve it up into Probopass to get this golden and maroon Super Mario looking bad boy. The thing is, though, Nosepass isn't a Sinnoh Pokémon, but your boy Probo is, so he gets the spotlight. Now, Probopass already looked like a disembodied head belonging to a mustachioed man, so does it look freaky that its Shiny now looks like it has skin-colored cheeks, a rosacea nose, and a politically questionable hat? It sure does. Does it make me want to catch it any less? It sure doesn't.
- Rotom: Oh, this is going to be awesome. One solitary forme of Rotom was released during GO Fest 2020, so I'd expect a sloooooow rollout of this Pokémon. A couple per year, maybe, only during major events would make sense. Because of this, I'd also think its Shiny release is a long way off, but when it does happen… it's such a cool one. The glow of this Pokémon takes on an orange and red hue for each of its formes and it's just a perfect example of how different colors in a Shiny can make a Pokémon's design… well, shine.
- The Lake Trio of Azelf, Mesprit, & Uxie: These are growing on me. Once upon a time, I would've put these as among the worst Shinies in the game because, the truth is, they just sort of look like someone made them sepia using an Instagram filter. And that's still true. However, I can't deny that the color offsets the base blue and pink of Azelf and Mesprit in quite an interesting way. Who am I kidding, anyway? When these are out, I'll be hemorrhaging raid passes until I have the whole set.
Next up, our spotlight on the unreleased Shinies of Sinnoh in Pokémon GO continues.

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