Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: genesect, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, ultra unlock, unova week
Ultra Unlock Finale: Full Raid Rotation For Unova Week In Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO's massive Ultra Unlock concludes with Unova Week, now live in-game. This event brings with it the release of Shiny Roggenrola and Shiny Genesect, but as well as new spawns in the wild and some Shiny Pokémon in raids. Bleeding Cool is here to report on the full Raid Rotation for Unova Week as Ultra Unlock concludes. If you're Shiny hunting or searching for meta-relevant Generation Five Pokémon, this guide will help you understand the Shiny odds of each species so you can decide where to spend your raid pass.
Tier One
- Cottonee
- Dwebble – shiny available, full odds
- Klink – shiny available, boosted odds
- Petilil
- Timburr – shiny available, boosted odds
Klink and Timburr are the best bets here, as they have the Egg/Raid-only Shiny rate, making their Shiny forms easier to hunt than the standard wild Pokémon rate of one in 450.
Tier Two
- Darumaka
- Ferroseed
- Roggenrola – shiny available, rate currently unknown but likely full odds
- Stunfisk
- Whirlipede
With Roggenrola confirmed as spawning in the wild, these may be raids to avoid. Stunfisk may be a good option, though, for trainers looking to invest in a GO Battle League relevant Pokémon.
Tier Three
- Amoonguss
- Liepard
- Palpitoad
Tier Four
- Alolan Marowak – shiny available, boosted odds
- Garbodor
- Stoutland
Alolan Marowak is the one you're going to want to look for. With a beautiful Shiny form, and a boosted rate at that, Marowak has long been the crown jewel of Tier Four raids.
Tier Five
- Genesect – shiny available, Legendary odds of approximately 1 in 20
We covered Genesect in our Raid Guide, so be sure to power up your counters. This is not a Pokémon that you're going to want to miss. Genesect will eventually be released with different forms, one for each of its Drives, which you can now see in the Unova Pokédex… so this may be the last time this version of Genesect is seen for some time.