aquaman Archives

Tommyknockers Film on the Way from James Wan and Universal
Not to mention he has some film called Aquaman coming up in December Let's hope he brings his grounded and atmospheric horror senses to this as well. First seen on Vulture Tommyknockers is getting a brand new adaptation from Universal Pictures for a planned 2020 release The film, based on the Stephen King novel of the[...]
Aquaman #35 cover by Howard Porter and Hi-Fi
The Aquaman finally arrives to allow for retreat, but Murk arrives too, intending to finish the job he started and kill Arthur Curry once and for all. Aquaman #35 cover by Howard Porter and Hi-Fi Aquaman #35 continues to escalate the battle between the rebels and Rath's forces across the city of Atlantis Much of this comic[...]
LEGO Brickheadz batman superman
Maybe we will see sets that include Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Wonder Woman as well Check out all of the details and photos of the set below! #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ LEGO® BrickHeadz 41610 – Tactical Batman™ & Superman™ 209[...]
Aquaman DC Film Lineup
Last week Aquaman director James Wan announced that Randall Park was added to the cast to play Dr Shin in reshoots It wouldn't be the first time a director added a character during reshoots, but "reshoots" has become a dirty word in Hollywood YouTuber Grace Randolph wondered how Wan was able to add a fairly[...]
Amber Heard Shares a Picture from the Aquaman Reshoots
The reshoots for Aquaman are happening right now and we know that director James Wan just added a new character and cast member Someone else is on the set for the reshoots and that is Amber Heard We first saw Heard in Justice League as Mera and she's looking to take on the role of[...]
Randall Park Added to Aquaman Cast, and a UK Release Date Change
Aquaman is currently doing some reshoots at the moment, and it sounds like we have a new cast member Director James Wan took to Twitter to announce that Randall Park has joined the cast as Dr Stephen Shin. So happy and fortunate to be finally working with this man, @parkrandall, on pickups #DrShin — James Wan[...]
Wonder Woman vs Aquaman
Aquaman is not the joke he once was, but he is still very much tied to the water, and this fight would heavily depend on location Diana could go toe-to-toe with Arthur on land until the need to re-hydrate weakened him enough for her to finish him off As long as she kept him away[...]
The movie is still nine months away, but people are already wondering why we haven't seen a trailer for Aquaman yet There were some rumors that a trailer was going to drop this weekend at WonderCon, but director James Wan took to Twitter to tell people that it isn't true He also revealed why we[...]
Aquaman #34 cover by Andy Kubert and Alex Sinclair
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Aquaman and the Undercurrent have brought down the Crown of Thornes, but the regime of King Corum Rath is not over Rath intends to retaliate, and we are granted a look into his childhood and the events that made Rath the man he is now Plus, we see how his rule is being challenged[...]
Justice League #41 cover by David Yardin
Elsewhere, Aquaman and Batman are in pursuit of the Fan. Justice League #41 cover by David Yardin This is a comic that left me saying "holy shit" to myself many times in the process of reading it Christopher Priest writing Black Panther into Justice League as a genocidal warlord aside—we'll definitely get back to that—this comic is[...]
comics for your pull box 3/21/18
Check out Vinegar Teeth #3. Aquaman #34 cover by Andy Kubert Aquaman #34 Corum Rath holds fast to his control of Atlantis, even after Aquaman and the Undercurrent brought down the Crown of Thorns As tensions continue to skyrocket, we learn the origins of King Corum Rath. Dan Abnett is joined by artist Kelley Jones for what will hopefully be a good villain[...]
Let's Talk About Justice League on 4K: Kind of the Snyder Cut
(8:14) Justice League: The New Heroes- Join Ray Fisher on a personal tour to meet the newest members of the Justice League: Aquaman, the Flash and Cyborg (12:24) The Return of Superman- Bonus scenes not seen in theaters, including Superman's return to the fortress ship, his first meeting Alfred,  (WHY WAS THIS CUT ALL OF THESE SCENES ARE PRETTY[...]
Film Music Reporter has learned that Aquaman has found its composer They are bringing on Rupert Gregson-Williams, who previously did the music for Wonder Woman There were a lot of things to like about Wonder Woman, but one of the standouts was absolutely the soundtrack Gregson-Williams made the music of Wonder Woman really fit not[...]
Aquaman #33 cover by Stjepan Sejic
Aquaman and a small contingency of the Undercurrent are putting it all on the line to bring down the magics that sustain the Crown This is the Aquaman's final stand. Aquaman #33 cover by Stjepan Sejic I cannot praise the last two arcs of Dan Abnett, Stjepan Sejic/Riccardo Federico's Aquaman enough, and Aquaman #33 brings the book[...]
Justice League #39 cover by Paul Pelletier, Cam Smith, and Adriano Lucas
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Aquaman barely survives being stranded in the desert of Oman, and he encounters the fan Green Lantern Simon Baz arrives shortly after and brings him back to the Watchtower. Cyborg, as the new chairman of the Justice League, is brought to testify before Congress Batman's Justice League of America answers a crisis in Este Park,[...]
Dolph Lundgren
We don't know that much about Aquaman, but considering how far away the release is, that isn't that surprising As the months go by we should get more information, but today Dolph Lungren spoke to the Las Vegas Review-Journal about playing King Nereus in the upcoming DC movie. It is good to be king Basically, I[...]
Rocket League To Receive DC Comics DLC Cars In March
Pictures' Batman DC Super Hero Themed Items Aquaman – Breakout Decal and Player Banner Batman – Paladin Decal and Player Banner Cyborg – Roadhog Decal and Player Banner DC – Player Banner (previously released in Collector's Edition) Flash – Wheels, Venom Decal, Player Banner, and Speed Force Boost (Wheels and Player Banner previously released in Collector's Edition) Green Arrow – Hotshot Decal and[...]
Justice League #38 cover by Liam Sharp and Adriano Lucas
Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Green Lantern Simon Baz are unsure if Batman is still fit to lead the team and want Superman to confront Bruce on this Simon is really freaked out at the fact that Superman wants to have lunch with him and airs is concerns that the Justice League is Superman, Batman,[...]
Dark Nights: Metal #5 Cover by Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, and FCO Plascencia
Meanwhile, Superman and Batman have found Hawkman turned into a massive demonic monster, Wonder Woman squares off against Black Adam and the corrupted Hawkgirl, Mister Terrific and Green Lantern Hal Jordan have been locked up on Thanagar Prime, and Aquaman and Deathstroke have found a secret antechamber with an Nth Metal core far below Atlantis. As[...]
Aquaman #32 cover by Stjepan Sejic
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Aquaman approaches King Shark with his request that the Ninth Tride gangs join up with the Undercurrent Nearby, Dolphin has discovered Mera dying in an air bubble She signals Arthur, who quickly comes to find his ailing beloved. He returns to the Undercurrent with Mera and Dolphin Ondine turns into his unexpected savior, and she[...]
Justice League #36 cover by Pete Woods
This has been exacerbated by the man masquerading as Batman who has been killing people publicly critical of the League. On top of this, an American submarine has been found in Chinese waters, and Aquaman is very eager to have it removed However, this violates the Justice League charter and is subject to Chinese sovereignty regarding[...]