empyre Archives

Empyre: A Complete New Checklist And Schedule from Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics has reissued the following checklist and timeline for the Empyre crossover event But, even rescheduled, it is starting to slip a little For example, the Empyre Handbook, listed as a Prelude before Empyre #1 in July, is actually now out on August 5th, the same day as Empyre #4 And Immortal She-Hulk is[...]
Second Printings
This week, Marvel takes it back with Venom and Empyre taking the lead with IDW poking their noses in with Rob Liefeld's GI Joe series. Venom and Empyre Dominate Advance Reorders. TOP 25 ADVANCE REORDER COMICS/GRAPHIC NOVELS/TPS DESCRIPTION SRP VENDOR VENOM #25 2ND PTG STEGMAN WRPAD VAR $5.99 MARVEL COMICS VENOM #26 $3.99 MARVEL COMICS VENOM #25 2ND PTG RAPOZA VAR $5.99 MARVEL COMICS EMPYRE #1 (OF 6) $5.99 MARVEL COMICS VENOM[...]
The Dangers Of A Big Speech, in Empyre: Avengers #0 (Spoilers)
We mentioned this a while back, Empyre: Avengers #0 Marvel did a good job of summing up the various histories involved in last week's Road To Empyre That includes the family from the recent Meet The Skrulls, to the origins of the battle between the war-loving Kree and the peaceful sentient plants, the Cotati for the[...]
Empyre #0 Avengers Main Cover
Marvel has become over the years the House of Events, more than the House of Ideas that it once claimed to be.  There are usually at least four to five Event Crossovers (series that are significant "event storylines" that are separate from regular ongoings and serve as the "backbone" of the story, which then has[...]
No Empyre Pins, Sorry...
Marvel Comics may be doing similar, albeit on their own terms. There was concern over the upcoming Empyre event, before the shutdown, the early numbers for Empyre were very low – at least for a big Marvel event However, after the shutdown, I understand that orders are significantly up on what they were before – though[...]
Thank FOC It's Monday -
This is an attempt to sift through them all and find the most relevant items. Have You Ordered Enough Engineward #1? Thank FOC It's Monday. So what's FOC'ing today? Empyre and Engineward? Rob Liefeld's GI Joe comic book Snake Eyes: Deadgame goes to FOC today Including a 1:10 B&W and a 1:25 cover (above) Star Trek DS9 is getting[...]
Death, Betrayal and Falling Kings in Empyre #1 Trailer From Marvel
Marvel Comics has released a new video trailer for Empyre #1, promising that a hero must ally with enemies, a hero will betray everyone else and that a king will fall – with special emphasis on Black Panther Oh and it looks like Captain Marvel will embrace her Kree heritage by replacing Ronan The Accuser[...]
What Will Empyre: Avengers Aftermath Mean For Billy and Teddy?
As well as Immortal She-Hulk coming to comic book stores in the aftermath of Empyre, so Empyre is getting an Aftermath special for the Avengers in September by Al Ewing and Valerio Schiti With a Jim Cheung cover covered with silhouettes as is Marvel's wont And with Hulking, Teddy, caressing someone What if it is[...]
Now Marvel Adds #BackTheComeback Stickers to Their Comics
Including a certain Empyre #1 They will also have Back the Comeback in-store promotions for game stores are in the works and will be announced shortly. Now Marvel Adds #BackTheComeback Stickers to Their Comics. It is a weird statement And I have definitely heard the porntastic version of the #BackTheComeback slogan being used by folks a number[...]
No Empyre Pins, Sorry...
Once upon a time, Marvel Comics planned quite a launch for their big event comic Empyre But the week that Diamond Comic Distributors closed its doors to new comics and stopped shipping out new product, was the week that Marcel Comics was due to debut its first Empyre comic books. Empyre: Fantastic Four #0 and Empyre: Avengers #0 are currently being held at Diamond[...]
A Date For Empyre #1 But No New Warriors in Marvel July 2020 Schedule
No sign of the launches for Union, Power Pack, Champions or Children Of The Atom. So while we get a date for Empyre #1 – and for #2 and for #3 in July, there is no news on the Outlawed comic book event line, including the much-anticipated-for-whatever-reason New Warriors #1 But there is a launch for[...]
When Marvel Comics solicited Empyre X-Men #3 it was from that ubiquitous artist known only by the initials TBA We have no idea what they are like, as they are notoriously unreliable and pretty much always when the comic is published, they have been replaced by someone else So it is with Empyre X-Men #3[...]
empyre 2 second print
The week that Diamond Comic Distributors closed its doors to new comics and stopped shipping out new product, was the week that Marcel Comics was due to debut its first Empyre comic books Empyre: Fantastic Four #0 and Empyre: Avengers #0 are currently being held at Diamond Comic Distributors warehouses and Marvel did not publish[...]
Cover to Empyre 1 by David Finch
Alongside Empyre: Fantastic Four #0 and Empyre: Avengers #0 from Marvel Comics Bleeding Cool has been able to confirm, that and they are all, every issue, marvelous At Bleeding Cool, we have a tendency to like superhero comics, and the combination of Dan Slott and Al Ewing, Pepe Larraz and RB Silva, James Tynion IV[...]
Marvel's Empyre with a Y Adds Avengers and Fantastic Four #0 Issues
We've also seen several issues of Empyre comics Both Empyre #0 issues are out this Wednesday, with #1 out next week There will be no major spoilers here but we going to be making some general observations If you want to avoid all spoilers, stop reading now, as we put down Empyre: Avengers #0 and[...]
We also have two Empyre comics, both #0 issues out this Wednesday and #1 out next week No major spoilers but we are going explore the other feel of the comic However, if you want to avoid all spoilers, stop reading now, as we pick up Empyre: Avengers #0. Marvel did a good job of summing[...]
This week saw Marvel publish The Road to Empyre, tying up Meet The Skrulls, Incoming and a munch of Kree/Skrull Avengers stories from the past few decades, and a little Young Avengers for good measure, to make some sense of the Kree, Skrulls and Cotati races that seem to be behind much of the upcoming[...]
Thank FOC It's Friday, 20th March 2020
with free 1:10 covers by Jana Heidersdor. How did Cable #1 do? #2 is up… Children Of The Atom #1 by Vita Ayala and Bernard Chang gives the X-Men sidekicks… Marvel Comics is launching Empyre #1 from their big guys Will it deliver? lots of discount to those who order heavy And so many covers to order heavy[...]
Marvel Comics Solicitations for May 2020
Today sees Marvel Comics running an new impromptu Empyre panel, to directly follow the scheduled Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes Exhibit Preview, with writer Al Ewing taking the lead I am told that he will be running through some of the comic books that have story threads he will be dealing with in Empyre And[...]
There's No Issue of the Agents of Wakanda Ongoing in Marvel's May Solicits
This May, Wakanda is invaded by a super-mega-crossover event tie-in as Marvel publishes Empyre: The Invasion of Wakanda #1 (of 3) It's written by Jim Zub, writer of the Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda ongoing comic, drawn by Lan "Funky Cold" Medina, the artist for the book's first story arc, and stars the[...]
5 Pages of Interior Art from Marvel's Empyre #2
Along with their full May 2020 solicitations, Marvel Comics has released a preview of Empyre #2, set to hit stores in April. EMPYRE #2 (of 6) AL EWING & DAN SLOTT (W) • VALERIO SCHITI (A) • Cover by JIM CHEUNG Avengers Variant Cover by Alexander Lozano Fantastic Four Variant Cover by Michael Cho Kree/Skrull Variant Cover by Tony Daniel Variant[...]
Not Even Mutant Isolationism Can Save X-Men from Empyre Tie-In
A press release from the House of Ideas today revealed a four-issue spinoff series titled Empyre: X-Men that will be so convoluted it requires every writer currently working on an X-book to make any sense of it at all. If you've already made your peace with buying upwards of twenty monthly X-Men titles, get ready to[...]