Fortnite has officially launched its latest seasonal content, as criminals have free reign as part of Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless
Fortnite: Battle Royale Archives
In what seems like the most inevitable announcenment of all-time, Funko is bringing Fortnite to Pop! The first wave hits stores in November.
The official Funko twitter account shared some exciting news for Fortnite fans today, indicating that a new line of collectibles will be coming soon.
credit//Epic Games
Rifts are the newest anomaly to hit the Fortnite: Battle Royale map after a rocket launched in game on July 2nd The rifts appear as cracks in the sky and have mostly just been decoration in the background of the free-for-all PvP Now, however, it appears as if those rifts are spawning item drops[...]
credit//Epic Games
Fortnite has changed a lot of things about the landscape of video games in general, but one of the less-reported side-effects of the ridiculous amounts of popularity for Fortnite: Battle Royale is the tendency for hardcore players to forget that building is not a thing in other games Yes, players are now starting to report[...]
The vehicles are only available in Fortnite: Battle Royale, as Save the World is a pretty different game all things considered You'll be able to ride a shopping cart solo or grab a friend to ride shotgun and cover you as you roll around the island.
Yes, it looks as ridiculous as it sounds.
The vehicles are here as[...]
After pursuing legal action earlier in the year, PUBG Corp has pressed forward and filed suit against Epic Games for copyright infringement.
Epic Games have taken to the Fortnite blog to discuss some of the things they're working on. The biggest news coming is that the development team is looking to keep a "large squad mode" around. You know, like the beloved 50 v 50 Battle Royale mode.
Epic Games accidentally included a new item in Fortnite's Battle Royale mode, the Eye of the Storm Tracker backpack allows players to track the storm circle, and therefore is a bit of a cheat. It also wasn't meant to be included in the game.
Fortnite has been hosting a limited time 50 v 50 game mode again, and its been pretty popular every time the game hosts it. In fact, Fortnite fans love the 50-on-50 Battle Royale mode so much they're asking developer Epic Games to keep it around.
The fourth season of Fortnite has been the subject of speculation for about two months now, give or take. And despite being well underway, we've still got a series of unexplained mysteries hiding on the island. From camera crew setups, a massive meteor impact crater, and now a hatch in the Wailing Woods.
Epic Games' Fortnite has made some interesting changes with Season 4 this month, but one of the weirdest (aside from that whole alien invasion thing) is the inclusion of green screens on the battle royale map.
We've all known this for quite some time now, but research firm Superdata has confirmed the obvious: Fortnite is now the largest free-to-play console game of all time, both in terms of player count as well as earnings, raking in a combined $223 million USD last month alone.
While Fortnite as an esport is still in the early days, and therefore rather unstructured, DOTA 2's Team Secret has decided to put together a team for the
Epic Games has been having a lot of fun with player’s theories on the comet and meteor shower that have taken up thr sky on the Fortnite Battle Royale map.
While Epic Games has not announced the start date for Fortnite Battle Royale's fourth season, players are already placing bets that the new content season will launch next week.
There are some key differences – you jump out of a plane in PUBG, the map of PUBG is far larger, Fortnite's vehicles are not drivable, Fortnite: Battle Royale is not the only version of Epic's game available (there is a Save the World mode) and you can build walls, ramps, buildings, and forts in[...]
Fortnite players have been noticing some oddities about the game, from random controller vibrations to a mysterious comet streaking through the sky. Players have naturally started mapping out locations where the controller rumbles happen, while others have come up with theories to explain the comet.
Fortnite's Community Manager K.L. Smith posted the above photo which shows the new loading screen for Fortnite mobile. Some players may have already noticed the change to the game's loading screen, which warns players not to game in class.
Fortnite is a great game, and it being on mobile is fantastic. Except that the primary target of mobile games is teenagers. Which is great for Epic Games, but not so great for schools.
Epic Games is bringing Fortnite to mobile platforms, and iOS users will be the first to get a shot at the game. The Fornite Inivite Event is currently open for sign-up, which will allow iOS users to be put on the Fortnite Invite waiting list.
Several Fortnite players have reported to Kotaku that their account information has been stolen and used to rack up some impressively hefty bills. The fraudulent charges have reached upwards of a hundred dollars, which is a pretty impressive amount of microtransactions.
Fortnite's Battle Royale mode is getting a new limited time squad mode, which will allow players to come together into 20-person teams. The leak comes to us through a screenshot posted to Reddit, which gives us a glimpse of the Raptor and Empire Axe as well as a few details on the incoming squad mode.
Season 3 of Fortnite is underway now that patch v.3.0.0 is live, adding 60 frames per second support for PlayStation 4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, and Xbox One X consoles. 60 FPS will be the new standard on all console versions moving forward.
Fortnite's upcoming v.3.0.0 update will offer some new changes and options to make building both faster and easier. In an official blog post, Epic Games detailed four key ways they would be speeding things up.
Fortnite's Season 3 Battle Pass has been detailed, and it includes 76 items over 30 tiers, including 'back bling', which are really just fancy backpacks. EpicGames posted the Battle Pass breakdown in anticipation of Season 2's end this week.
Fortnite has gone live with patch v.2.5.0, which brings new Lunar New Year legendary skins and weapons, a new grenade, and 4K support for players on the Xbox One X.
With PSN being down yesterday, it at first seemed as though Fortnite was one of the games affected. In Fortnite's case, however, it seems as though it's a larger issue — the game's servers are still down and will be a for a while.
Fortnite has really grown incredibly fast. That is no small part to the free to play Battle Royale mode that came to the game, seeing the genre enter the
Epic Games have filed copyright infringement lawsuits against cheaters who are taking advantage of exploits in Fortnite's Battle Royale mode.