Before George Lucas sold his studio Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012 for $4.05 billion, he had at least one major ambitious plan with his biggest franchise Star Wars, a TV series that would have bridged 2005's Revenge of the Sith and 1977's A New Hope, which are episodes three and four of the Skywalker Saga[...]
george lucas Archives
Disney, which owns Lucasfilm, is preparing to release Harrison Ford's final outing as pop culture's most famous archaeologist in the upcoming Dial of Destiny and what better way than to bring the actor's second synonymous franchise after Star Wars to streaming?
Credit: Lucasfilm
Indiana Jones Adventures Synopsis
Creator George Lucas solidified himself as a science fiction icon after[...]
But the combination of Frazetta and Buck Rogers had a special magic of its own, according to Star Wars creator George Lucas:
"When George Lucas came out to visit he told me that my Famous Funnies covers had been one of his inspirations for Star Wars," Frazetta relates, "which I thought was a pretty sweet thing[...]
One person who agreed that it was time to return to this world was George Lucas himself, as Jon Kasdan recently revealed during a press conference.
Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis) in Lucasfilm's WILLOW exclusively on Disney+ ©2022 Lucasfilm Ltd & TM All Rights Reserved.
George Lucas Has Always Had A Soft Spot For Willow
"You know, it's funny[...]
Sure, they have the Disney+ docuseries that covered the creation and continued influence of Lucasfilms' Industrial Light & Magic called Light & Magic, but I think fans would be interested in seeing others recreating George Lucas himself and everyone else around him that helped make A New Hope from the casting, creation of ILM, Lucas'[...]
From the sequel trilogy, standalone films, and numerous TV shows emerging on Disney+, the next major undertaking from Jon Favreau and executive producer Dave Filoni is to get creator George Lucas to appear on The Mandalorian As the flagship TV series to help launch the streaming service, the series became an institution and powerhouse of[...]
The creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, is back, and this time he is serving as a member of the Galactic Empire That is right, George Lucas is donning some impressive Stormtrooper armor as Hasbro reveals their newest exclusive Star Wars: The Black Series figure Set to release in 2022, Lucas will wield a blaster[...]
George Lucas time! Secrets of the Force: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Wars was published in July by Edward Gross and Mark A Altman collecting and collating statements about the making of Star Wars over the decades, by those who made it.
From the authors of The Fifty-Year Mission and So Say We[...]
There are numerous female companions Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) came across upon his adventures, but the only one who got a second adventure in the George Lucas' film franchise was Marion Ravenwood, played by Karen Allen in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) The[...]
It's no secret Star Wars creator George Lucas was inspired by numerous forms of storytelling, from adventure serials of Buck Rogers to the samurai films of Akira Kurosawa According to Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill, if Lucas had his way, he would have included something extra for audiences to prep them to see his feature[...]
For those for a happier ending for the original protagonist of the Star Wars franchise in Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) had creator George Lucas had his way, you'd be sadly mistaken In Episode VIII, which in the current Disney/Lucasfilm canon is The Last Jedi (2017), the Jedi master astral projected himself at the end of[...]
They said George Lucas' prequels were worse than the corporate-made Disney Star Wars Like Revenge of the Sith? We saw how Darth Vader was made! Like I watched that 10 times during COVID 'Don't jump Anakin, I've got the high ground!' I'm saying the prequels are better than anything…and I'm sorry Disney/Star Wars design team…no man,[...]
Filoni was asked what feedback (if any) he received from George Lucas about the first season of The Mandalorian, and it sounds like their discussions tend to lean more towards larger filmmaking and production topics: "When I talk with him, I like to get more knowledge He'll give me some reminders, especially before I shoot[...]
The original cut of the film has a runtime of 2 hours and 20 minutes, and apparently, there have been rumors for years that George Lucas has a four hour cut of the film The entire filming process of Sith was well-documented already in online blogs and production videos on the official Star Wars website[...]
Moore arrives for the 'Outlander' Season 5 Premiere on February 13, 2020, in Hollywood, CA (DFree/
But we can't help playing a round of "What Might've Been"; in this case, that time in 2004 when George Lucas was looking to develop a live-action Star Wars spinoff series entitled Star Wars: Underworld Moore was part of the[...]
While The Last Crusade was supposed to be the final film of the franchise, creator George Lucas decided to write The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) 19 years later The only common thread among them is Lucas, Ford, writer Philip Kaufman, and director Steven Spielberg.
The Indiana Jones franchise grossed a combined $1.961 billion worldwide[...]
Padmé dies after giving birth, but in the her funeral the appearance of pregnancy is disguised, to hide that her children survived.
But it appears that not all was what it appears even then.
And, contrary to George Lucas' screenplay in Revenge Of The Sith, it appears that Padme…
…survived How, and why she appears as she does[...]
It also teased their son Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf) would succeed the protagonist Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr's (Ford) place.
Created by George Lucas, Steven Spielberg returns as franchise director to helm the fifth film Crystal Skull co-writer David Koepp is expected to return to pen the script with Jonathan Kasdan In an interview with the Today[...]
While the public's largely accepted the Star Wars' franchise permanent place in pop culture, there seems to be an ongoing internal struggle between fans and the conglomerate.
Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Since Return of the Jedi's release, George Lucas decided to renovate and reinvent the Star Wars franchise through his Special Editions and the prequels[...]
Last week I started getting worried about Star Wars and, specifically, JJ Abrams and the direction of The Rise of Skywalker. This led me down a dark path,
(Knives Out is spectacular and you should really go see it.) I also really like JJ Abrams and his workmanlike ability to synthesize Spielberg, Lucas, and all the other filmmakers I love into substantive popcorn flicks, from Star Trek to Super 8.
Return of the Franchise
One of the reasons I loved The Force Awakens so much[...]
In the days since the new version was released, Disney has denied culpability in the edit, blaming it instead on the final acts of George Lucas before selling Star Wars to Disney, and if we know George Lucas, that does sound like something he would do But what about the deeper mystery, the meaning behind[...]
In George Lucas's 1997 Special Edition version, which features many questionable changes and additions to the Star Wars films, Greedo fires at Han first, with Han CGIed to dodge the shot before firing back at Greedo and killing him This was changed for the film's 2004 DVD release to show both characters firing at roughly[...]
According to a new book published today by Oscar-winning film editor Paul Hirsch, writer-director George Lucas once described Star Wars as a Disney movie.
Chicago Review Press
Writing about George Lucas' comments during production on the first Star Wars:
"This is basically a Disney movie," he said, "and those movies always make $16 million You can look it[...]
The only other person outside of creator George Lucas, who's as creatively synonymous with Star Wars, is Lawrence Kasdan Kasdan wrote three of the nine episodic films and the standalone, Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) in the franchise He spoke with SyFy at the Austin Film Festival about his return to Star Wars and[...]
With the release of Bob Iger's memoir today, some new comments from George Lucas about the direction of the Star Wars franchise have been made public.
What we knew before the book's publication was that Lucas delivered some story ideas to Disney when they purchased Lucasfilm in 2012 for $4 billion There's always the worries that[...]
Disney CEO Bob Iger shed some light about the meetings that took place with Star Wars creator George Lucas and the possible direction The Force Awakens and the sequel trilogy could go Iger detailed the exchange of ideas in his book, "The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned From 15 Years as CEO of the[...]
As the first ever Star Wars live-action show The Mandalorian and Disney's new streaming service usher Star Wars into a new era, is Star Wars animated content in danger of being sidelined?
It was George Lucas himself who started Star Wars down the path to animated success through his subsidiary Lucasfilm Animation[...]
We're only beginning to scratch the surface of all the possibilities in a Disney-owning-Fox world; what films and limboing projects may yet see the light of day with the House of Mouse acquisitions? One that we had totally forgot about was a long-gestating reboot/remake of classic serial comic, Flash Gordon.
If you know your Star Wars lore,[...]
In our review of 'Star Wars Resistance' s01e19 "The Disappeared," The First Order are more visible than ever - but does that really clear things up?