Lobo, too, as the title is in the midst of a giant space epic Starro will become a Red Lantern and the next arc is called "Lobo Should Not Have a Power Ring." Guy Gardner will remain dead and serve "as a conscience in Hell." About his work, Taylor says that he feel as if[...]
lobo Archives
That's right, Lobo himself will rock up to Superman's home planet in the second season of its show.
Lobo art by Alex Horley
For those who don't know, Lobo is an antihero and sometimes villain for the Man of Steel He is a super-strong bounty hunter with near-invulnerability and a healing factor (not unlike at least 20[...]
No Justice comes to its conclusion as the Omega Titans near Earth and Green Arrow has to keep Amanda Waller from nuking four corners of the world in response. Can the Justice League save the day? Is it a good read?
No Justice rages on as Martian Manhunter and Starro the Conqueror work to free the bottled worlds and Team Entropy seeks help from Vril Dox. Does it make for a good read?
Plus, there are interactions between Martian Manhunter and Starro as well as Beast Boy and Lobo that are quite fantastic.
Marcus To and Francis Manapul split the responsibility of art in this issue, and both artists contribute excellent work To's work is a kinetic and motion-oriented style which works great for action sequences Manapul's artwork is[...]
The Justice League of America is the last thing in the way of Chronos at the dawn of humanity. Can they save the future of superheroes? Is it a good read?
But he also had time to mention that he thought Lobo's newly introduced daughter, Crush, will be the breakout book of the new New Titans series as it transforms from Teen Titans.
The team, led by Damian Wayne, will include the daughter of the Penultimate Czarian And, if DiDio's keenness can be translated — and I[...]
The Justice League members Batman and Black Canary are the only thing between Lord Havok and the death of Angor. Can Dreamslayer tip the scales? Is Justice League of America #26 a good read?
The two Justice League teams face more turmoil, as the town of Estes Park West falls into chaos. They are then transported back to the Watchtower by the Fans, and the satellite is falling out of orbit. Is it a good read?
The Justice League of America is recovering from the fight with the Queen of Fables. Batman has another mission though; he and Dreamslayer are going to restore Angor. Black Canary follows along. Is it a good read?
The Justice League continues to reel from the Fan's attack, and Cyborg must face a congressional inquiry. Meanwhile Batman and the JLA calls in the Justice League to answer a disaster in Este Park, Arkansas. Is it a good read?
Earlier this month news broke that DC was finally pulling the trigger on a Lobo movie and Michael Bay was the frontrunner for the director's chair In that same report we learned Jason Fuchs is writing the script LM Online recently caught up with Fuchs on the red carpet of the USC Libraries Scripter Awards[...]
is apparently moving forward with a Lobo movie directed by Hollywood's Main Man, Michael Bay Bay, who is best known for destroying the childhoods of Transformers fans with Transformers and its approximately 57 sequels, has reportedly already met with DC and given story notes to Wonder Woman writer Jason Fuchs for the script The news[...]
Robot Man, Negative Man, and Lobo pal around a little, Jane comforts Killer Frost about her personal issues.
The self-referential "we're in a comic book" angle of the Patrol as well as other comics like Deadpool, Multiversity, or that last issue of Suicide Squad, is becoming very stale Something interesting needs to be done with a[...]
I like Aztec; I don't care that common consensus is that the character was always bad.
The Ray's internal conflicts are interesting given what he's been through with the Justice League of America, and both Ray and Lobo get some cool moments in this issue.
In the end, the Queen of Fables steals the show[...]
Frost makes a decision that will impact the future of the Justice League of America. A mysterious force has made her more afraid of her powers than ever before, and this same force has used her to enter our world. Is it a good read?
Funnily enough, Lobo is the one who brushes the director off the quickest.
It's not appealing to watch an obviously malicious director make easy fools of your heroes and have your heroes show a self-consciousness that most people grow out of by the time they leave high school Plus, the budding romance subplot between Frost and[...]
Dark Nights lives up to its name.
There's a fight between the Devastator and Lobo, which is pretty entertaining, too.
Batman the Devastator #1 art by Tony S Daniels, Danny Miki, and Tomeu Morey
Tony S Daniel contributes the art to this book He's been one of my preferred DC artists since his days on Batman: Detective Comics[...]
September will see the game bringing in a couple more of current iteration of the Justice League of America, as currently written by Steve Orlando.
The game will bring in the Main Man, Lobo, as players battle through Metropolis's Suicide Slums to each Hero Fragments and earn and upgrade the character And don't worry, it's proper[...]
He has located the signal of mentor and previous Atom, Ray Palmer, in the Microverse — the subatomic universe that exists within ours.
Not wanting to devote the entire team to this, Batman has dedicated only Ryan, Lobo, Frost, and himself to the job, leaving Black Canary, Vixen, and the Ray in the regular universe.
Ray warned[...]
I picked up Lobo/Road Runner Special #1 this week and had no idea what to expect What I got was pretty dark and grim, but absolutely funny.
A coyote has been hunted down in 1949 (the year Wile E Coyote was created) and brought back to ACME labs for testing You can see the other WB characters[...]
When I spoke to Simon Bisley at the 2000AD convention a month or so ago, he told me how he had scaled back his wanton gratuitous nudity for the then-upcoming Harley's Little Black Book #6 featuring Lobo, a character he is so often associated with.
And a comic in which Harley Quinn and Lobo find themselves marooned[...]
A team that consists of The Atom, The Ray, Vixen, Killer Frost and Lobo is going to be very different than any that formed together before The choices are interesting in that Atom, though a different version, is on Legends of Tomorrow, Killer Frost on Flash, The Ray is getting his own CW Seed series…[...]
And while we knew the book would have Killer Frost, The Atom, Vixen and The Ray, until now we didn't know to expect Batman, Black Canary… and Lobo.
Old-style looking Lobo Not Lipstick Lobo The Bastich is back in DC Rebirth continuity…
Watch for more stories from MCM London Comic Con here.
And here are a few other[...]
Adding to their DC Entertainment Sixth-Scale Figures, comes the intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo We can't tell a lot about the figure in the preview shot, but we can tell that he's based on the original Lobo design and not the New 52, skinny version Also, he hasn't given up smoking.
I'm glad to see the forearm[...]
Wait… did the Supergirl TV series just reference Lobo? In the first of three clips from the next episode, Truth, Justice and the American Way, an armored man took one of the prisoners that the DEO was hunting J'onn J'onzz suggests that it could be an interstellar bounty hunter to which Alex Danvers asks about a specific[...]
@blogofoa It's ending with issue 6.
— Cullen Bunn 🎃 (@cullenbunn) September 14, 2015
Alex De Campi confirmed Sensation Comics was gone as well, as has Batman '66… The original article continues below….
DC Entertainment has told their media partner CBR that DC Comics are to cancel five series, a number of which were launched in June, Justice League United,[...]
All the DC Comics today have a double page half-size ad for Twix featuring a guy I've never heard of (and a Google search ensuring I never want to) with the comic book story on the same page.
It is a strange experience in a number of books, especially Lobo #7 with the clash between the[...]
Black Mask's Space Riders is what I want from DC's space books! Image if Lobo or Omega Men was like this And Rick and Morty #1 was as good as an episode of the show! I incorrectly said internet darling Zac Gorman wrote for the TV show, sorry But co-creator Justin Roiland did a variant[...]
Co-creator of Lobo and writer for Marvel, DC and many animation and video game projects, Roger Slifer, passed away today The 60-year old Slifer, who was still recovering from being seriously injured in a hit and run in 2012, died while on his way from the nursing home the emergency room.
His sister Connie Carlton notified[...]