reckless Archives

Buried in a piece by Variety talking about his turn in A Different Man and The Apprentice and talking about his return to the MCU in Thunderbolts*, they revealed that Stan is "currently developing a film adaptation of Ed Brubaker's graphic novel Reckless and working on a project with celebrated filmmaker Cristian Mungiu." SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA – JULY 27: Sebastian[...]
Auto Draft
It's the law). With Ed Brubaker, they will be taking a break from their Reckless graphic novels for two new projects The first is Night Fever, a new original graphic novel to be published in June 2023 from Image Comics, and a brief return to Criminal. Sean Phillips & Ed Brubaker Take A Reckless Break For Night[...]
Follow Me Down - Reckless Vol 5 By
Follow Me Down is the name of the fifth Reckless graphic novel by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips It will follow Reckless, Friend of the Devil: A Reckless Book, Destroy All Monsters: A Reckless Book and the upcoming The Ghost in You: A Reckless Book which will be published in April. Follow Me Down – Reckless[...]
The Ghost In FOC, For 6th of February 2022
The first direct-market collection of Ashley Wood's paintings and drawings in over a decade. Crossover #12 will have guest creators Robert Kirkman, Phil Hester and Klaus Janson bringing back Negan to comics, with 1:25 and 1:50 covers. The Ghost In You: A Reckless Book from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips is up for FOC, with signed bookplates. The[...]
The Ghost in You: Brubaker & Phillips' Next Reckless OGN Set for April
Image Comics has announced a new OGN coming from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips in 2022 staring Ethan Reckless The Ghost in You will hit stores this April, and not a moment too soon As a graphic novel where a criminal is an anti-hero created by people named Brubaker and Phillips, The Ghost in You[...]
Sebastian Shaw's Winter Soldier In Ed Brubaker's Reckless?
By posting to his Instagram stories a picture of him reading Reckless by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips With a quizzical face emoji and tagging in Ed Brubaker Brubaker and Phillips are full co-owners of the Reckless series of graphic novels, published by Image Comics Is this a way to help boost his friend's sales?[...]
Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips Turned Down Substack Comics
Still, comics is a very hard field to make a living in, especially when you want to create your own work and not do WFH comics, so I'm glad to see a bunch of creators trying something different, just like I find Patreon and Kickstarter interesting ways for creators to support their work. Ed Brubaker and[...]
Advance Reorders
The new Reckless hardcover from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips tops the advance reorders charts for new titles, with Dark Ages tucked right behind, while the first appearance of Miles Morales is repeated for Halloween, and Moon Knight does a good second print as well.   Greetings from the coal face of the direct comics market[...]
Thank FOC It's Saturday
Hurley, Matthew Dow Smith. Destroy All Monsters, the third Reckless OGN is up, by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Jacob Phillips. For every twenty copies ordered, retailers can get twenty signed bookplates to place inside the copies. Dark Ages #1 is up for FOC, a year after its original intended date… with many a cover. Demon Days: Cursed Web, the[...]
Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips' Fourth Reckless OGN is The Ghost In You
Monday is the Final Order Cut-Off date for the third Reckless hardcover original graphic novel, Destroy All  Monsters from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips And Ed Brubaker, when he's not thinking about Jed Mercurio, is happy, He writes in his newsletter. Orders for the second book were much bigger than the first one, and initial orders[...]
Image Comics March 2020
But the new Reckless graphic novel Friend Of The Devil from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips as the highest-placed new title on the Advance Reorders list for this week is a welcome one. TOP 25 ADVANCE REORDERS COMICS/GRAPHIC NOVELS/TPS DESCRIPTION SRP VENDOR TMNT THE LAST RONIN #2 (OF 5) 2ND PTG $8.99 IDW PUBLISHING STAR WARS HIGH REPUBLIC #1 4TH PTG ANINDITO[...]
Thank FOC It's 19th February 2021
This is an attempt to sift through them all and find the most relevant items. What's FOCing today? Orphan & Five Beasts #1 from James Stokoe is up for FOC, and will be returnable for stores who order ten copies or more. How did Young Hellboy #1 do? How about Orcs #1? #2 for both are up for[...]
My Top 6 Comics Of 2020
Reckless volume one: Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, and Jacob Phillips put together another fantastic comic, this time about a fixer with memory loss The story swirls around California, domestic terror outfits, and the alphabet soup of government organs They're so reliably great it's easy to forget how lucky we are to have their work Hell,[...]
Details For Ed Brubaker ANd Sean Philips Reckless Sequelk, Friend
The first of Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips and Jacob Phillips' Reckless graphic novels from Image Comics is published on the 16th of December But plans for the sequel are afoot Sean Phillips revealed the title and cover on social media earlier in the month Friend of the Devil. It has also just got its Amazon listing[...]
Image Comics December 2020 Solicitations
Image Comics has issued their full solicitations for December 2020, including the new graphic novel Reckless by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, new series Pax Americana by Steve Skroce and Dave Stewart, Home Sick Pilots by Dan Watters and Caspar Wijngaard, and the end of Gideon Falls. RECKLESS OGN WRITER: ED BRUBAKER ARTISTS: SEAN PHILLIPS & JACOB PHILLIPS COVER: SEAN[...]
The CW, producers Kim Moses (Ghost Whisperer, Reckless) and J Moses (Grand Theft Auto), TV executive and producer Debbie Liebling (PEN15), writer-producer Daisy Gardner (Silicon Valley, The Goldbergs), and CBS Television Studios are looking to shine a dramatic spotlight on the gaming industry Deadline Hollywood reports exclusively that the network is developing GG (Goodgame), a[...]
Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips Reckless Is Not A Trilogy
We teased this was coming earlier, now it is all official – Reckless from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips – and the beginning of something. This is our next project, a series of graphic novels, each one a fully self-contained story, and we're releasing three of them over the next year The books are much longer than[...]