Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics, Review | Tagged: all-new wolverine, gabby kinney, gentle, Ive Svorcina, Jean Grey, laura kinney, mahmud asrar, Marvel Comics, namor, nightcrawler, phoenix, sub-mariner, superheroes, Tom Taylor, trinary, wolverine, x-men, x-men red
X-Men Red #2 Review: Holding on to Hope as the Quality Remains High
A mutant named Trinary is being held by the Indian government. She contacts Jean Grey and her team, who are hiding out in Wakanda after the death of the UK ambassador. Naturally, the X-Men agree to help Trinary.
X-Men Red is holding together. The first issue showed great promise, and, while #2 isn't quite as gripping as the previous, it's still a damn good issue.
Trinary has a good character introduction. She's dedicated, brash, and funny. Setting the X-Men in Wakanda is an interesting idea. It makes this team more international than most Big Two teams, and I dig that.
Gabby steals many of the scenes in this issue. It's great that writer Tom Taylor kept her beside Wolverine for this comic. The pacing is well managed too; the comic establishes its concepts and moves forward well. The comic manages to cover this particular arc of the current story. It turns fairly tense in the last third or so of the comic.
The action scenes are handled well. It tries to get cute with the panel layout during the main action sequence. It looks cool visually, but it does shrink the action panels themselves. It's not particularly good or particularly bad.
Mahmud Asrar's artwork continues to hold together well. It's a solid mixture of realistic detailing and emphasized details to distinguish the characters. Gabby is the right mixture of cute and muscular, so adorable and ready-for-action is accomplished. The color work of Ive Svorcina is the right mixture of lighter and darker shades that fits the comic well.
X-Men Red #2 is a solid continuation to the promising first issue. It holds my interest and delivers a greatly enjoyable experience. I'm still interested, and hopefully the book will hold together for a long time. This one gets another recommendation. Give it a read.