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'Young Justice: Outsiders' "Exceptional Human Beings" is Actually Pretty Average [SPOILER REVIEW]
Welcome back to Bleeding Cool's recap of this week's final four new episodes of the first half (already!) of DC Universe's Young Justice: Outsiders, as we take a look at the season's tenth episode, "Exceptional Human Beings".
Detroit. October 12, 07:55 EDT.
Vic Stone calls his dad Dr. Silas Stone at STAR Labs. Tonight is the big football game and a lot of college scouts are coming. Vic tells his dad that he'd really like for him to be in attendance tonight. Silas says sure, he'll be there, as he brushes Vic off to take another phone call. The Justice League is bringing in a fatherbox for Silas to examine. Silas is warned that the fatherbox is pure evil. The only use that's been discovered for it is to heal parademons and Apokolipian technology. Silas says that technology can't be good or evil.
Vic has a star performance – even catching the winning touchdown – but his father doesn't see it. After the game, a scout from Metropolis University tells Vic that if he continues to perform like that, he'll get all kinds of full ride scholarship offers, and the scout hopes Vic will consider Met U.
Happy Harbor
Conner and M'gann have a rare day off together. They spend it doing what young couples do when they finally get time together and everyone out of the house. With M'gann able to shapeshift, that seems to open the door to some freaky stuff – but that's a post for a different time…
Owings Mills
Nightwing continues to train Brion, Halo, and Forager to work together. Their objective today is to tag Nightwing. That's all. Just touch him. Brion flirts with Halo, causing her to lose focus and fall from the sky. Nightwing halts the session. Running the risk of becoming more than a one-note character, Brion immediately falls back into complaining about how they're wasting time by not going after Tara. Nightwing tells Brion that a lead's being investigated.
Star City
Artemis and Will are enrolling Violet in high school. They need to come up with a surname for the enrollment form. After a few missteps, Will suggests they just use "Harper". Violet likes that idea. Something outside the window catches Will's eye. He excuses himself and goes out to investigate.
Jade is outside, looking in at Lian. Will tells her to come inside. Lian needs her. He needs her. Jade says that she can't. She's only here to square away in her own mind that this is goodbye.
Santa Prisca
Batman leads Katana and Metamorpho (yay, more Outsiders) on a jump from the Batwing onto the island, where Oracle demands they maintain radio silence. Much of this episode consists of Katana and Metamorpho sneaking their way silently through the jungle past League of Shadows soldiers. The two spot Lady Shiva training a group of soldiers. Oracle (who was the one insisting they maintain radio silence) tells Katana and Metamorpho to avoid Shiva when a helicopter flies overhead. Shiva takes one trainee in the direction the helicopter went, causing Katana and Metamorpho to follow.
On the helipad, Batman watches and listens as Deathstroke, Shiva, and the trainee – Cassandra Savage – discuss League business. Batman learns that Tara is no longer with the League of Shadows and has been sent to Granny Goodness to find a use for her. With the intel they came after, the trio makes their way to a ferry that will take them off the island, where they can safely catch a ride on the Batwing – which feels like something that sounded good on paper in the writers room ("Make them go here for this convoluted reason so we can have a boss battle!") but doesn't really make much sense in practice.
That "boss battle" involves Bane trying to stop Batman from boarding the ferry, Shiva going after Katana, and Deathstroke colliding with Metamorpho. Since the League of Shadows knows they're here, there's no more sense in pretending they can't just fly the Batwing in and take off – so that's what Oracle does. See? Doesn't make any sense, does it?
Not the strongest episode this season. The scenes where the team silently moves through the island are well done, but the ending didn't stick the way it could have to keep things moving for the remaining episodes. A different take might have been to have the League heavies find out that Batman and company are on the island and hunting them down just as quietly while the good guys try to make a Batwing rendezvous. It would have changed the typical storyline dynamic and created a greater level of dramatic tension – something akin to Dutch and the Predator stalking one another through the jungle in the original Predator.