Comics Archives

Diamond Brings Spinner Racks Back to Comic Stores
Earlier this year, Bleeding Cool noticed that Barnes and Noble were no longer selling DC Comics on the newsstand. But it seems that Diamond Comic Distributors is at least preserving the spirit... by commissioning and making available these US-made pocket comic spinner racks.
Cosplay Spotlight: Stardust Megu
The focus of our Cosplay Spotlight today is Stardust Megu! One of the nicest cosplayers I've had the pleasure to work with, Megu is not only a talented cosplayer, but also an upbeat, body positive, and optimistic delight of a person.
DC Comics Wants to Hook You Up with Caper, the Super Hero Dating App
In the DC Universe, superheroes don't use Tinder or Grindr when looking for a soulmate or looking to have some hot, rooftop sex (and leave the masks on). They use Caper, a dating app for superheroes, which is currently at the center of the Inhuman Trafficking storyline in Green Lanterns.