Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: adventure time, Aphrodite IX/Cyberforce, ash, batman eternal, batwoman, Black Market, bprd, brain boy, captain action cat, Comics, crossed, Dark Age, Devilers, dicks, Doberman, Doodle Jump, Eye Of Newt, future's end, ghost, god is dead, harley quinn, Hulk Vs Iron Man, judge dredd, lady zorro, Last Broadcast, Legenderry, life with archie, littlest pet shop, ms marvel, my little pony, Next Testament, original sin, Rat Queens, red hood, Robin Rises, rocket raccoon, secret avengers, shadow, she-hulk, sons of anarchy, squidder, stray bullets, teen titans, The Last Fall, The Wicked + the Divine, tmnt, Translucid, Wildfire, x-files, x-men, X-Men Anniversary
52 Thoughts About 51 Comics – Original Sin, Hulk Vs Iron Man, Rocket Raccoon, Dicks, Harley Quinn, Ms Marvel, She-Hulk, Adventure Time, X-Men Anniversary, Batwoman, Robin Rises, Teen Titans, Batman Eternal, Futures End, Red Hood, X-Men, BPRD, Brain Boy, Eye Of Newt, Rat Queens, Squidder, Crossed, Secret Avengers, Stray Bullets, Legenderry, Ghost, X-Files, Shadow, My Little Pony, Devilers, Last Broadcast, Ash, Littlest Pet Shop, Translucid, The Last Fall, Judge Dredd, Aphrodite IX/Cyberforce, Wildfire, Doberman, TMNT, Life With Archie, Next Testament, Sons Of Anarchy, Black Market, Doodle Jump, Captain Action Cat, Lady Zorro, The Wicked + The Divine, Dark Age And God Is Dead
Tony Stark, trying to woo Bruce Banner in Original Sin #3.2. You can see the love in his eyes can't you? How could Bruce Banner resist…
Just don't make him tipsy. You wouldn't like it when he's tipsy. Also, best last line of any comic book this week…
How to make a raccoon do what you want, in today's Nova. Take away his nuts. No, wait, that's squirrels. Well, close enough.
I recall Garth Ennis not exactly being a fan of Doctor Who in any of its incarnations, and outwardly mocking Avatar publisher William Christensen for relenting and starting to watch it.
This is how he takes his revenge in today's Dicks.
Talking of Dicks, that's also the name of a bar in San Diego, Dick's Last Resort, popular among comic industry staff during Comic Con, and well known by reputation for the attitude of its staff…
Harley Quinn gives us Rick's instead…
Ms Marvel has her geek out moment. I do hope they decide to include some of the story in the collection…
Today's She Hulk looks mad. And great. Really great. And mad. And a closer-to-Hulk physique. A welcome approach.
On that basis, do also check out Adventure Time #30 , a Special Zine Issue and, basically looks like this a lot. They make a great pair.
I'm pleased to see, in X-Men 100th Anniversary that in the year 2061, the hate mobs are a little more restrained in their bigoted chanting. "God Hates Mutants" would just be a bt too much wouldn't it, even for the Westchester Baptist Church.
Okay, that's going on a T-shirt.
Batwoman vamps out… ahead of its own Futures End revelations.
While in Robin Rising: Omega, a certain shard emerges again, with knowledge of realities past. Is this where the Earth One/Two war begins?
Bunker finds a novel way to deal with a little homophobic hate speech in Teen Titans. They could have probably used him in Riverdale today….
Free speech of course. Just consequences for said free speech…
From Batman Eternal… has Bane been breaking more backs again?
And in Futures End, we get a better idea of who Ronald Raymond grow up to be. You know with characters like Starfire flying around the place, I'm surprised strip clubs even need to exist in the DC Universe, future or not.
Though she is wrapping up a little more this days. But why do I suddenly think that a number of people reading Red Hood And The Outlaws #33 would be very happy to be spit roasted by Starfire from the inside out, whatever attachments and positions it might necessitate?
Storm sounds like my editor-in-chief in today's X-Men. I really need to learn lessons from her.
BPRD #121 has a rather fatalist line in dialogue. Of course, we are all going to be dead. But I'd be happy to get another forty or so years first. Hmm. I'm probably over half way…
Brain Boy #3 sadly doesn't give us the "The mutates have sat down in a circle and are laying a game of gin rummy" we were banking on.
From Eye Of Newt #2, say, is this the guy who killed The Watcher? Crossover as well as crossbow due… but this injury to eye motif is all around this week.
Rat Queens has a particularly nasty version as well. Though it also reveals that the cast have run out of swear words now and are just having to make up new ones from component parts.
That'll be in the Oxford English Dictionary next year.
They're simlarly arseholes-for-eyes obsessed in Squidder as well, from Ben Templesmith.
Crossed: Badlands just goes as far as it possibly can.
Until Original Sin matches it.
And in Secret Avengers, Nick Fury Jr comes very close to losing his only remaining one…
And Stray Bullets takes that injury and extends it further, with the return of Amy Racecar. Because, yes, limb loss is also a thing today.
And Legenderry #5 doesn't pull any punches by… pulling off things you punch with.
Ghost #6 has a good stab at the new intro sequence for Doctor Who.
X-Files Year Zero #1 goes back to basics, tackling an unidentified feline object.
Shadow #0 identifies its feline object. But finds an alternative to wholesale slaughter.
My Little Pony #21, discovers that while friendship may be magic, magic doesn't always bring you friends.
But, as the Devilers #1 shows, who needs friends when you've got sweary blasphemous frogs? And it could be worse, when it comes to magic…
As the The Last Broadcast #3 demonstrates, you could be Criss Angel.
Ash Gets Hitched #1 could have been an inspiration tale for the joys of wedlock. But instead aligns itself up to promoting punching as a viable alternative lifestyle. But what influence will he have?
Even the cast of Littlest Pet Shop #3 live in fear of punching and stuff.
Translucid #4 is there to pick up the pieces.
The Last Fall #1 makes certain assumptions about an individual's parental status. It's not exactly Lone Wolf And Cub…
Here come the dark judges, in Judge Dredd #21. Closely followed by Judge Sextape.
Aphrodite IX/Cyberforce sees a god going up against, well, anal dendata it appears. It's not a clear cut match, those two things…
Wildfire #2 gives us a classic example of the get-the-potential-subject-of-racism-to-say-something-vaguely-racist-about-themselves-and-get-away-with-it trope.
Never interrupt Doberman while drinking, It is a very, very important ritual.
TMNT #36 shows us how shadows mock our every plan…
A very final scene from Life Of Archie #36. You may commence your weeping now.
Clive Barker's Next Testament #11 does have the tendency to freak me out on an issue-by-issue basis. This is no exception. I dream about this guy you know, and this panel won't exactly prevent that.
Sons of Anarchy #11 seem to be extending their branding into other fields of entertainment.
Black Market #1, the new series by Frank J. Barbiere and Victor Santos clearly demonstrates the danger of injecting someone in the nipple.
Doodle Jump #2 forgets that ninjas are usually rather on the quiet side.
Captain Action Cat #3 gets ready to join the DC and Marvel universes in their upcoming crisises.
Lady Zorro #1 denies us the pleasure of male Zorro in a dress. You have to get it hwre you can take it.
The Wicked + The Divine #2 is rather unfair on The Daily Mail. It's not lying per se, it;s just being wilfully ignorant and playing on prejudice. It's just another icon for people to have faith in without any actual proof to back it up. Say, could the Daily Mail be a new gospel for the modern day?
And from Dark Age #1 – a reminder that you never saw Tarzan doing his business in the woods. This comic rectifies that cultural loss.
And although God Is Dead, clearly romance isn't!
So… what have you been reading today?
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics in London. With Blood And Roses about to happen…