Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: batgirl, batman eternal, boom, captain marvel, Comics, constantine, creepy, dark horse, dc, dc comics, deadpool, Deceivers, doop, dynamite, East of west, entertainment, flash gordon, gi joe, great pacific, idw, image, Indestructible, invincible, iron fist, judge dredd, Justice league 3000, Kick Ass, Lumberjanes, Magnus, Manifest Destiny, marvel, Marvel Comics, my little pony, Next Testament, nightcrawler, Peter Panzerfaust, powerpuff girls, Regular show, returning, Rocky & Bullwinkle, samurai jack, savage dragon, Shotgun Wedding, shutter, sons of anarchy, superior foes of spider-man, Superman/Wonder Woman, The Maxx, The Royals
Thirty-Eight Thoughts About Thirty-Eight Comics – Doop, Captain Marvel, Kick Ass, Iron Fist, Superior Foes Of Spider-Man, Nightcrawler, Deadpool, East Of West, Manifest Destiny, Invincible, Great Pacific, Shutter, Savage Dragon, Peter Panzerfaust, Batman Eternal, Batgirl, Justice League 3000, Superman/Wonder Woman, Constantine, The Royals, Lumberjanes, Deceivers, Creepy, Flash Gordon, Magnus, Shotgun Wedding, Sons Of Anarchy, Next Testament, Regular Show, Returning, Samurai Jack, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Powerpuff Girls, Judge Dredd, Indestructible, GI Joe, My Little Pony And The Maxx
From the opening issue of the new Batman weekly, Batman Eternal. Say, is it just me or is one of the bad guys here giving quite a good impression of Spider Jerusalem?
While Gotham again establishes itself as a place not to bring up kids. First the Court Of The Owls nursery rhyme, then a police recruitment poster that would scare anyone into hating the police, and now in Batgirl this children's song that would freak anyone out, never mind summon an evil being from beyond. Parents, living in Gotham? Move.
The Royals: Masters Of War show the effects of a British accent on the Americans, especially delivered by royalty. Oh yes.
And yes, Clive Barker's Next Testament #8 the French have a certain something as well when it comes to the desires of the flesh…
But, as always, the Americans in Sons Of Anarchy #8 have the rest of the world beat.
The building in London that Superman and Wonder Woman are sitting on in Superman/Wonder Woman? Its nickname, and I kid you not, is The Erotic Gherkin though it's usually shortened to The Gherkin nowadays… so how is their relationship going to play out?
Well the Superman and Wonder Woman clones of Justice League 3000 have their own take on what may have happened back now…
Not that he'd get any respect from Indestructible #5 either.
All-New Doop #1 gives us a very meta-take on the character, able to travel through space and time through the very gutters of the comic book page and effecting all sorts of events in a very direct way. But how will a series starring a character who only speaks in code play out? We get an answer… as well as a question. And he does have a unique look…
Well, nearly unique. Thank you Powerpuff Girls #8
Captain Marvel #2 gives us Raccoon Vs. Cat, and the knowledge that there are a race of Flerkens out there who resemble the feline form rather directly.
It also gives us one of the best last pages of a comic I've read in a while. Under Dan Slott Protocols, I won't run it now. But I may run it later…
From My Little Pony Friends Forever #4 – are Flugels anything like Flerkens?
Kick Ass 3 #7 shows us its real roots, in Batman '66. Admittedly they are very disguised, dyed and burnt roots, but still…
Don;t go on a date with Iron Fist. Ever. Lesson learned.
The Superior Foes Of Spider-Man get a supervillain with, well, a really really boring name, no matter how you dress it up. Might as well have The Mugger or The Robber. There must some kind of IP the giuy could have bought off the internet.
So your boyfriend, Nightcrawler, is back from the dead. After all that mourning, grief, and pain you'll have gone through… might you even be a little upset about that? Or maybe it's just par for the course if you're dating an X-Man. Not so much "he didn't call" as "he was dead for seven months." It's more of a childish response, as in today's Savage Dragon having flashbacks…
That's one of blind happiness and acceptance. Real life? Well, that's closer to Invincible on his "back from the dead" revelation to the one who loves them the most…
It's not necessarily a happy experience. Especially when….
Stuff happens. Returns are not always so easy or fast to process…
And note the bare footed Nightcrawler here in Deadpool #27- the sign that many thought indicated that Paul McCartney was dead.
Shotgun Wedding #2 lays down some, like seriously deep philosophy, man… I don;t know I prefer to be a little optimistic, don't you?
Don't listen to her, Samurai Jack!
Regular Show: Skips #6 may be down, but remember, that's how it all started with Hellboy…
Yes, Returning #2, like I said, I'm down with the optimism.
Although sometimes, as in Creepy Quarterly #16, it can be completely blind.
And sometimes downright foolish. Thank you for a lesson in reality, X.
Magnus Robot Fighter #2 shows a lack of tolerance for robobonics.
Flash Gordon #1. When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.
The Maxx #6…yeah I always used to "glue" my hands together after reading certain magazine when I was a teenager as well. Never got interrupted by a humanoid shark though, thank goodness.
G.I. Joe Special Missions #14 – and yes, after last week's Community, I too feel the need to cry "Yo Jobra!"
The Dark Judges come to Judge Dredd #18. You know, I can't see them giving anyone community service.
Okay, Rocky Bullwinkle #2, I give in. That first panel actually made me laugh more than the TV series ever did in its entirety. You win.
Lumberjanes #1 shows us all how to hack nursery rhymes. And you know what, I'm calling it. Comic of the week. Shame they couldn't have given Batgirl a hand…
It's amazing the kind of things that can slip your mind, from Deceivers #0.
Manifest Destiny has given us all sorts of monsters based on natural American flora and fauna. It is possible however, that this is their most foul yet….
And it's not the only Image comic to have a handy minotaur. Shutter has the only one taking the subway however. A new Image title that finds an ordinary human in an extraordinary world, finding the less obvious wonders around herself.
Gotta say, when Peter Panzerfaust started, this was not the kind of scene I was expecting. Or the kind of Wendy. Pretty pleased with it though.
Great Pacific switches from giving us lessons on geology, geochemistry and geophysics, and gives us a history lesson instead. Plenty to learn from China, even if it's dismissed…
While in East Of West, those history lessons are being played out in a very different arena. Even, it seems, when you learn from history, you are still doomed to repeat it…
So, what have you picked up this week? Time to tell me your thoughts…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London.
About to host an underground event hosted by a collection of the UK's most promising emerging comic creators: Owen Michael Johnson, P M Buchan, Mark Penman, Jon Lock, Nich Angell, Andrew Tunney and James Lawrence.
CULT will consist of a group art exhibition from the 14th to the 20th of April, including exclusive comic launches, boutique merchandise and signings. The artists will be in-store Saturday 19th April 2pm-5pm to sign their event exclusives, discuss their work, and unveil special items.