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Top Marvel Comics of 2017 #1: Defenders #7 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez

This is it, the big one for Marvel this year: Defenders #7 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez. This is the most engaging, exciting, entertaining, and artistically brilliant comic to come out of the House of Ideas this year.

Top Marvel Comics of 2017 #1: Defenders #7 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez

Defenders #7 cover by David Marquez and Justin Ponsor
The Defenders #7 cover by David Marquez and Justin Ponsor

While the inception of this book was all-but certainly the accompanying Netflix series, this book turned out to be a passion project of writer Brian Michael Bendis, as the comic has exceeded the Netflix series in quality and provided plenty of memorable moments that stick in my head even as the year comes to a close. From the initial fight between Luke Cage and Diamondback, the later fight between Diamondback and Iron Fist that ended with Jessica Jones dropping an SUV on Willis Stryker, to this issue with a lengthy and intricate fight between Elektra and Iron Fist, this comic always brought something special to the table.

This particular issue edges ahead thanks to the aforementioned Elektra/Iron Fist fight. It was easily one of the most ambitious sequential fight scenes from a Big Two comic this year. While many fight scenes are often punctuated or summed up in a single snapshot panel, artist David Marquez and color artist Justin Ponsor bring something really special with a lengthy and elaborate fight between the two martial artists.

Furthermore, this artistic team has kept this comic among the best-looking of Marvel's offerings of the year. Marquez and Ponsor have a way with these characters and this setting. Marquez creates a breathing world here, and there is a definitive atmosphere brought about by Ponsor's color choices.

Plus, this comic gave an extremely shocking moment with the assassination of Hammerhead at the hands of Diamondback (even if that has more-or-less been undone by the Hood). It also provided some decent team conflict due to Daredevil's revenant secret identity.

For all these reasons and more, I am confident in saying that Defenders #7, as a single issue and a series, is the best Marvel comic of 2017.

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Joshua DavisonAbout Joshua Davison

Josh is a longtime super hero comic fan and an aspiring comic book and fiction writer himself. He also trades in videogames, Star Wars, and Magic: The Gathering, and he is also a budding film buff. He's always been a huge nerd, and he hopes to contribute something of worth to the wider geek culture conversation. He is also happy to announce that he is the new Reviews Editor for Bleeding Cool. Follow on Twitter @joshdavisonbolt.
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