Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Cherry Bomb, dc comics, geoff johns, golden age, jsa, justice society dark, Justice Society of America, new golden age, thirteen
Who Is Cherry Bomb Of The Justice Society Of America?
We wondered if Cherry Bomb was the rejected applicant on Legion Tryouts Day from Legionnaires #44, but it's not. She's the sidekick of the Golden Age character The Human Bomb, who first appeared in Police Comics #1 in 1941 by Quality Comics. Roy Lincoln, a scientist, working on an explosive chemical with his father, who eats it rather than let the Nazis get it, and gains the power to explode anything he touches.
The solicitation for the DC New Golden Age one-shot this week by Geoff Johns, Steve Lieber, Jerry Ordway, and Diego Olortegui is bringing us new Golden Age Heroes for the DC Universe. It looks like these are characters who did not previously exist in the DC Universe because they were removed from it and now are being returned under the Time Masters watch, with DC continuity retconning around them. Flashpoint Beyond #6 gave us the name of The Thirteen. Use this tag to keep up with details on them as they roll out on Bleeding Cool over the weekend.
So we have Golden Age Mister Miracle, Betsy Ross, Molly Pitcher, Golden Age Legionnaire, Ladybug, Quiz Kid, Salem The Witch Girl, Golden Age Aquaman, Cherry Bomb, The Harlequin's Son, John Henry Jr, Judy Garrick and The Golden Age Red Lantern. A series of familiar but also unfamiliar names. And this week's New Golden Age will start to tell us who is who and where we may – or may not – have seen them before. And Bleeding Cool is going to give you a sneak peek.
Full Name: Gloria James
Occupation: Student, chemist, adventurer
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives. Professor Brian James (father. deceased)
Affiliation. None
Base of Operations: Washington DC
First Appearance: POLICE COMICS #25
Height: 5"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
In 1943, Gloria James's father, Professor Bran James, worked with Roy Lincoln as a chemist, helping him develop a liquid that could open any lock without damaging it_ Professor James was killed during an attack on the lab by a pair of criminals looking to steal the lock-solving liquid for themselves. Upon learning of her father's death, Gloria also discovered that Roy Lincoln was the controversial new hero known to authorities in Washington. D.C. as the Human Bomb. Gloria knew that the police had sought the identity of the Human Bomb not only for the destruction left in his wake, but also for the recent violent deaths of several of his enemies. Gloria offered to keep Roy's identity as the Human Bomb a secret if he allowed her to participate in bringing her father's killers to iustice Roy declined. unwilling to put a child in harm's way and blaming himself for the death of Gloria's father. Still trying to control his explosive powers. the Human Bomb sought out his friend's murderers on his own, leaving the furious teenager behind. An amateur chemist, Gloria attempted to re-create the experiment that gave Roy Lincoln the ability to explode.. Unfortunately for Gloria, she did. After creating an incredibly volatile explosive compound that would become known as 28-0RX, she accidentally destroyed the entire lab. The Human Bomb returned, found a disoriented Gloria alive, and gave her one of his containment suits. He helped her gain some semblance of control over her new powers and, together, they tracked down the pair of criminals who had killed Professor James. The two heroes were able to bnng the criminals in alive. but not without destroying the abandoned building they were hiding in. Taking on the identity of Cherry Bomb. Gloria became the Human Bombs sidekick and often hoped him evade capture by the police in hls earty years, Soon after becoming her mentor, the Human Bomb discovered that, unlike his, Gloria's powers were dangerously growing. Her explosive potency became so uncontrollable. Gloria was forced to spend all her time in her containment suit. The Human Bomb was attempting to cure Gloria of her powers when the young hero vanished.
Like the Human Bomb, Gloria became a human detonator, able to unleash an explosive power from her body. Often concussive. her explosions varied in strength, most likely tied to her emotional state, Cherry Bomb is immune to her own explosions and, within limits. to other forms of impact, including that of bullets. She must wear her "fibro-wax" suit to keep her powers from discharging unintentionally.
The Human Bomb first appeared in Police Comics #1, and, indeed, there is no mention of Cherry Bomb or anyone like her in Police Comics #25, in the Human Bomb strip, or The Spirit or Plastic Man. She appears on the New Golden Age and upcoming Stargirl covers…
But also a brief appearance in Earth-Prime #4: Stargirl, which may count as her actual first appearance alongside Human Bomb, speculator fans!
New Golden Age #1 by Geoff Johns, Steve Lieber, Jerry Ordway and Diego Olortegui is published by DC Comics on Tuesday, the 8th of November.
(W) Geoff Johns (A) Steve Lieber, Jerry Ordway, Diego Olortegui (CA) Mikel Janin
From the Justice Society of America to the Legion of Super-Heroes, The New Golden Age will unlock DC's epic and secret-ridden history of heroism, launching a new group of titles set firmly in the DC Universe. From the 1940s to the 3040s, heroes take on the great evils of their time. But in the aftermath of Flashpoint Beyond, those heroes and villains will have their lives turned upside down. DC's future…and its past…will never be the same again. But how are Mime and Marionette connected to this? Why are Rip Hunter and the Time Masters the most unlikable heroes in the DC Universe? And who or what is…Nostalgia? Don't miss the start of the strangest mystery to have ever plagued the DC Universe.
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 11/08/2022
(W) Geoff Johns (A/CA) Mikel Janin
The JSA returns in this monthly series by writer Geoff Johns and artist Mikel Janin with Justice Society of America: The New Golden Age Part One! The world's first and greatest superheroes return! Or do they? A long-lost hero from the JSA crashes into our era with a grave warning… but it's too late. A mysterious and malevolent enemy has invaded the entire history of the JSA, and an all-new team must come together to defeat it. But what deadly secret does this messenger from beyond keep? Where are they from? And why is all of this happening now? Only the Time Masters know…
Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 11/29/2022