Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dave bautista, funko, newlitg, Witcher
Witcher, Dave Bautista, Funko – The Daily LITG, 17th September 2020
The world can seem like a terrible and strange place sometimes, but there are highlights. And at Bleeding Cool you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies and more. Whether that's Pokemon, Witcher, Karate Kid, Dave Bautista, Funko or more. The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here.
The Witcher, Dave Bautista, Funko and the ten most-read stories yesterday…
What you were reading yesterday, the numbers don't lie.
- The Witcher Season 2: Game of Thrones Becomes On-Set Cautionary Tale
- Dave Bautista Wants to Know What's Up with the Pedo Stuff
- Funko New York Comic Con 2020 Reveals Day 2 Round-Up
- Transferring Legendary Pokémon In Pokémon GO? The Time Has Come
- Karate Kid: William Zabka Reveals Pat Morita's Pitch for 5th Film
- The Boys: NOS4A2 Star Jahkara Smith No Fan of Stormfront Storyline
- So What Is X Of Swords About Exactly? (X-Men, Excalibur #12 Spoilers)
- Transformers Dinobots Return to Form Volcanicus with Hasbro
- Tom King Tells Us Who Kills Batman (Detective Comics #1027 Spoilers)
- Star Trek: Wil Wheaton Talks New Shows, Embraces Franchise Role
ICYMI: five more you may prefer from yesterday
In case you actually wanted to read about comic books. I know, mad, right?
- Marvel UK Superheroes, The Union, Rescheduled as King In Black Tie-In
- Scott Snyder's Comic Book Thriller, Chain, With Ariela Kristantina
- What Does X-Men Prejudice Against Clones Mean? (Hellions #4 Spoilers)
- Thought Bubble Festival Announces Details Of November's Digital Show
One year ago, it was always sunny.
And the first issue of JJ Abrams' Spider-Man was coming out. That is quite the late comic book.
- "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia": Rob McElhenney Heartfelt Post [Video]
- MAJOR SPOILER For Spider-Man #1 by JJ Abrams, Henry Abrams and Sara Pichelli That No One Saw Coming, Tiger
- "Supernatural" Season 15: Sam, Dean, & Castiel vs. God [Preview Images]
- "Magic: The Gathering" Rolls Back Decisions on "Arena" Changes
- Bleeding Cool is Willing to Sell the Snyder Cut to Warners – or Anyone Else Who Wants It
- Bleeding Cool Has Bought The Snyder Cut
- Today, Marvel Comics is Holding a Jonathan Hickman-Led Summit
- Rob Liefeld on Todd McFarlane: "And People Give Me Hell For My Feet"
- Jeremy Whitely on Marvel Comics' Cancellation of Future Foundation
- The Man Who Haggled the Punisher's First Appearance at Half Price Books
- Watchmen Killed This Brian Azzarello Batman-With-Guns Graphic Novel
Two years ago, everyone was dying in Heroes In Crisis
And we never got that "shocking revelation"…
- Another Heroes In Crisis #1 Death Confirmation (MAJOR SPOILERS)
- Outlander Shares New Season 4 Images of Claire, Jamie, and More
- Detective Comics #1-26 Reprinted At Last, Plus A "Shocking Revelation" Which Will Rewrite DC History
- Is Marvel Putting Blatant Left-Wing Antifa Politics In Their Spider-Man Comics?
- When Joe Quesada Talked to ComicsGate's Jon Malin, Ethan Van Sciver and Richard Meyer
What's happening today
Plenty of comic book events happening online as a handful return to going offline.
- Lagos Comic Con – Online 10am UTC-02 onwards
- Comics Workshop – Teenagers 4-6pm UTC +8 hosted by Alliance Française de Hong Kong
- Comics and Cones, Winchester Road Farmers Market, Huntsville, Alabama, 3.30-6.30pm CDT
- Barbican Comic Forum / Who's the best bad guy? London Graphic Novel Network 5:30 – 7:30pm BST
Comic book industry birthdays
There may not be much of a party atmosphere right now. All depends on which state you are living in. But comics folk are still getting older and still celebrating that special date.
- Roger Stern, Spider-Man/Superman writer/editor, co-creator of West Coast Avengers, Moniac Rambeau, The Eradicator,
- Captain American Idol artist Chris Haley.
- Danny Fingeroth, former Spider-Man group editor.
- Comic creator Aladdin K. Al Miyany
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