Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: fashion week, Moltres, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon
Complete Fashion Week Raid Rotation In Pokémon GO
The Fashion Week Event has introduced a new raid rotation into Pokémon GO featuring costumed Pokémon and other fashion-themed species. Many trainers are wondering what the Shiny rates for these raids are. Here is the full raid rotation along with everything known about the availability of these Shiny Pokémon.
Lead in
Tier One:
- Burmy Trash Cloak – Shiny available, standard rate
- Cottonee
- Gothita
- Shinx with the top hat – Shiny available, rate for current costume raids unknown but definitely boosted above the standard rate
Shinx with the top hat is the clear choice here for collectors. It seemingly has a highly boosted Shiny rate, perhaps even higher than Shinx's normal boosted rate in its standard form, due to its limited time release. For those unable to get a Trash Cloak Burmy in their Pokédex, though, Tier One raids would be an easy way to get that Pokémon without having to go hunting in the wild.
Tier Three:
- Cinccino
- Gothorita
- Kirlia with the top hat – Shiny unconfirmed, see below
The same is true for Kirlia as for Shinx… but there is a recently discussed element of uncertainty with Kirlia here. The Shiny variant of Kirlia with the top hat was added to the code at the same time as Shinx… but oddly, there have been no documented encounters of Shiny Kirlia yet in Pokémon GO. This could be bad luck or a case of Niantic forgetting to turn it on… or it may just not be available. Stay tuned as we look into the strange case of Shiny Top Hat Kirlia.
Tier Five:
- Zapdos – Shiny available, standard Legendary rate of approximately one in nineteen
Don't miss our full Zapdos Raid Guide.
Mega Raids:
- Mega Blastoise – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Charizard X – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Charizard Y – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Houndoom – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Pidgeot – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Venusaur – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
The Mega and Legendary Raids are unimpacted by the Fashion Week event. Mega Houndoom actually had a similar situation to Kirlia, with no sightings documented in the first day, but it has now been confirmed as being Shiny capable in Pokémon GO.